Chapter 55 -Help?-

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Bella’s POV

I was sitting downstairs on the couch and watched the clouds. Not long and the rest would be home again…

I looked up from my thoughts and wondered when Esme would come back; she only wanted to take a quick bath. I didn’t worry though, I could hear her upstairs and her heartbeat and all was normal. She needed rest anyway, so she could take longer in the bathtub; it really helps to relax.

What was not normal and certainly worried me was the sudden increase in the speed of her heartbeat, followed by a, for me, loud banging what sounded like something fell down.

I sprinted upstairs. I walked over to the bathroom and knocked. No response…

“Esme?” I asked tentatively. Still no response…

Now I was officially worrying. I tried to open the door and fortunately Esme hadn’t locked it up. I peeked inside, but rushed in when I saw Esme unconscious on the floor in only a towel.

She was lifeless and any attempt to get her wake up was futile. Only her even heartbeat and breathing reassured me that she was alive.

I carefully moved her so that her head was on my lap. I noticed though that her face was stained with tears. What the hell has happened?

I cursed under my breath that no one was home right now. I didn’t know what to do. Edward and Carlisle would know, but I didn’t. We are powerful vampires, but in some situations just like now you are powerless nonetheless and that wasn’t a good feeling I can tell you.

I looked her over but she wasn’t hurt, at least physically. I stroked her cheeks and wiped the tears away. I sat there for a few minutes and I considered calling Edward, but I didn’t have my phone with me and I didn’t want to leave Esme alone.

“Help?” I whispered and tears filled my eyes. I stroked her cheeks and hair, but she didn’t move an inch…

Sorry for the short update:(

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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