Chapter 21 -Carlie's First Ski Trip-

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“Hi, honey,” Carlisle called and his face lit up when he saw his daughter. Carlie, too, smiled and laughed in expectation. I gave her to him and both celebrated their reunion. Rose and I smiled at those two. “So sweet,” Rose gushed, hugged me and walked over to kiss Emmett.

“Good afternoon, what may I bring you?” A waiter asked us. “Ehm,” I took the menu and searched for something appetizing. “I’d like the chicken with spinach and mushrooms,” I said and smiled at the waiter.

He was speechless for a moment when Carlisle cleared his throat and laid an arm around my shoulder. “Yes, can I bring you something else?” he composed himself and smiled shyly at me. “Yes, a coke please and could you warm up a bottle for my daughter? That would be nice,” I said and handed him my menu with another polite smile.

“Of course, what may I bring you?” he asked the others, but they all declined and ordered a water or something like that. Leah, Jacob, Sue, Charlie and Seth should come any minute.

I looked back at Carlisle as soon as the waiter was gone.

“What was that?” I asked him. “What was what?”

“Your throat clearing and all that?” I asked him. “He was flirting with you,” he argued. “He was just being nice,” I countered, “but your jealousy is sweet,” I laughed. He smiled, too and kissed me.

Five minutes later the waiter came back with the drinks and Carlie’s bottle. “Your dish will be finished shortly,” he smiled at me and I nodded.

I gave the bottle to Carlisle, who fed Carlie. She drank eagerly, but watched her surroundings minutely.

“Up for a second round after dinner?” Carlisle asked. “Yes, but maybe we could take Carlie with us. If you take her, there shouldn’t be a problem, right?” “Of course not,” he smiled down at her.

Then the others came in together. Edward, Bella and Renesmee were with them as well. Renesmee’s hair was filled with snow and Jacob looked nearly as bad. He was dripping. They sat down and the humans looked through the menu. “What did you do?” I asked Nessie. “Jacob and Seth threw snowballs at me,” she said annoyed but a slight smile was on her face.

“Jacob,” I scolded lightly. “Seth did it, too!” he tried to argue. “Never mind,” I laughed, “Nessie, you just have to get revenge,” I told her mischievously. “Oh yes,” she squealed. “We’ll help you,” Rose encouraged and smiled wickedly in anticipation.

Jacob on the other hand looked a little scared but composed himself fast. “We’ll see, Blondie,” he challenged her. She only smiled at him in defiance and then turned her attention to Nessie.

“How was your first skiing trip?” Carlisle asked Charlie and Sue.

“Quite good,” Charlie answered and dug into his ravioli. “We fell down quite often, but the other times it was fun,” Sue laughed. Charlie nodded and probably laughed at the memories. I smiled and started to eat as well.

Jacob and Seth were finished before I was even halfway done, but that was usual. Sue smiled amusedly at those two and ate just as slowly as I did.

“Ma-ma,” Carlie said when she was finished with the bottle and motioned for me to pick her up. I took her and sat her down on my lap so that I could still eat.

She watched me eating fascinated and wanted to try it, too. I let her taste some of the spinach but she wasn’t a great fan of that. After that her face rather twisted when she saw spinach, but the rest she still wanted to try. I smiled at her and rather gave her a bottle of fennel tea, which she gladly took.

After dinner we got Carlie ready in her snow suit and put her into the baby sling on Carlisle facing forwards.

Charlie and Sue would now try the more advanced tracks with Bella, Edward and Nessie. Jacob and Seth were making a race with Emmett and Jasper, whereas Alice, Rose and Leah tried the mid-level. That left us with the Denalis on the easy track.

I put my helmet on and rearranged Carlie’s hat and her own little snow goggles. Carmen made a photo of us three and we all smiled into the camera. “So sweet,” she giggled and put the cell phone away.

“Then let’s have fun,” Kate laughed and skied into Garrett’s arms. I held Carlie’s hand as we went skiing.

She was stunned by the sensation of speed and wasn’t sure how to react. But then she lifted her arms and started to laugh loudly. We all laughed with her. 

We went skiing for another two hours until we walked back to our meeting point at the restaurant and one after another showed up and we took the chairlift back up to your lodge in the evening.

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-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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