Marvellous Days

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Hi everyone! :)

This is the sequel to 'Idyllic days' and it starts with them still being in London after a storm forced them to stay there longer. Carlie is now 3 months old whereas Renesmee looks to be about 8 years old. They still have some plans in London ;)

Esme's POV

We are still in London. And the reason for that is that the storm is still raging on…

A few days ago (at the time we actually wanted to fly back to Forks) they others told me the news:

Stupid weather, exactly at the time we have to go home! I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to shower and get ready that morning. I got ready and walked downstairs just making myself a ponytail.

Morning,” Edward greeted me. The others also greeted me with a smile. Bella had Carlie cradled on her lap. She took her hand and waved.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” I greeted her and took her into my arms.

“Yes, no, that’s no problem. Thank you. I will await your call,” Carlisle was talking to someone on the phone and just walked into the room. He put the phone away and sighed. “Unfortunately, all flights are cancelled for this week because of the storm. It should rage on the entire week.”
“That I can only confirm,” Alice said gloomily.
“So that means that we will stay at least another week,” Carlisle concluded.

Oh, that also means that we will celebrate Carlisle’s birthday in Great Britain!

“Yeah, another week without pretending,” Emmett boomed. We all looked at him questioningly. “What? Here there are no humans so we don’t need to keep up our human charade for once.” Well, that was actually true.
“Do you want to go to daddy for a moment?” I asked Carlie while bouncing her on my lap. She laughed and put her hands up. Carlisle took her and started playing with her.

“Alice, can you help me for a second in the kitchen?”
“Of course,” she answered in her high voice. She looked confused, but probably only because she couldn’t see me and also did not know what I wanted from her.

“Our change in plans also means that we will celebrate Carlisle’s birthday here in three days,” I told her.
“Yeah, I know. I already thought about it. We actually planned to do it at home and I think the others have their presents there.”
“How about we make him presents ourselves?” She looked at me thoughtfully.
“You mean painting or something like that?”
“For example,” I answered her.
“That is perfect,” she squealed. She clapped and most probably thought about some ideas.
“But we must talk to the others before we plan anything,” I reminded her.
“That is difficult without Carlisle noticing it.”

Well since then, we tried to find out how we could talk about his birthday without him noticing. And actually, we haven’t figured something out yet. I mean, try getting someone outside with a logical explanation when there is an immense storm…

And actually, only today have I found a plan to get Carlisle out of the way. It is quite stupid in a way, but to defend myself, I think it will work: I looked into the fridge for something for breakfast this morning. I grabbed a yogurt. Alice was with me in the kitchen once again and we chatted lightly about the boys. Then the idea came. “Esme?” Alice asked and looked worriedly at me.
“That’s it! If we stay here longer, we need to go grocery shopping. How about I take Carlisle and Carlie with me? That way you would have time to plan.”
“You’re brilliant.” She kissed my cheek and walked out of the kitchen.

“Sometimes I am,” I smirked and returned to my yogurt. “Carlisle?” I called later.
“Yes, my love?” he entered the kitchen with Carlie in his arms. She had a music ball in her small hands and rattled with it.
“Would you accompany me to go grocery shopping? If we stay longer, we definitely need food for Nessie, Carlie and me.”
“Of course, I will. Do you want me to get Carlie ready?” he asked. My dream husband, I thought and smiled.
“That would be great,” I said and kissed him passionately. He looked at me questioningly, but I only giggled and danced out of the room. I definitely had a good mood.

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