Chapter 68 -Day 2: Letters of Goodbye-

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7…6…5…4…3…2 days!

This morning was as quiet as it hadn’t been in weeks. All vampires were out for a hunt, the “normal” vampires going away further. They needed all to be well fed for the battle. Sam and Jacob had phased to communicate with the rest that had stayed in Forks. The others were in Bella and Edward’s house.

I was at home with Seth, Carlisle and Rose. The last two would go hunting tonight so that I wasn’t left alone. Carlie was up late today, but considering that she fell asleep late yesterday, it was to be expected. But she was definitely more awake than I was. I was nearly falling asleep all the time, because anxiety got the best of me. So I sat in one of the armchairs with a cup of herbal tea in the living room while Seth played with Carlie. Carlisle was on the phone with his assistant; what Rose did, I didn’t know.

“Here is the cat!” Seth announced and showed Carlie a stuffed white cat. Carlie giggled and clapped. Seth imitated the cat and let it walk towards my daughter to cuddle with her. Carlie laughed and stroked the fur tentatively. Then she grabbed the stuffed toy and cuddled it close. “Cat!” she called and held it up. Carlie had been soaking in every word she could and she could already use some. The names were coming slowly, too. “Yes, that’s right!” Seth smiled hugely and clapped. Carlie placed the cat on the floor and did the same Seth had done which was letting the cat walk over to him. He looked at her with amazement and encouraged her by stroking her toy as well. This time Carlie giggled because of Seth’s behavior and watched him amazed.

“You are a natural with kids!”I told him with a smile. “I guess so. But she is really cute! And so clever, I guess she surpasses me in a few years,” he laughed. “Oh come on, Seth, don’t sell yourself short!” I told him honestly. He shrugged but smiled at me.

Carlie patted his knee to get his attention back. “What is it, cutie?” She talked with him, but of course it was still difficult to understand as most of it was still babbling. Nevertheless her gestures clearly indicated what she wanted and that was going into the garden. Seth looked at me for help and I told him what she wanted. “Okay, then let’s play outside,” he said enthusiastically. Carlie clapped and wobbled. “Not so fast, little girl! We need to get you changed if you want to go out,” I told her and lifted her off the floor. She looked at me disapprovingly and her little brows furrowed when she tried to reason with me. I knew I shouldn’t laugh, but it was just too cute when she looked so thoughtful and grown-up. “No arguments, Carlie. You can play outside under the condition that you wear the right clothes for it,” I told her with an authoritative tone. She sighed and laid her head on my shoulder. “Oh come on, it doesn’t take long,” I tried to cheer her up and rocked her a bit. “In the meantime I grab something to eat, if that’s okay?” Seth said. “Of course, get whatever you want. I haven’t prepared anything unfortunately, but there should be enough,” I responded. “Okay, no problem,” he smiled and walked into the kitchen.

I walked upstairs and into the nursery, where I sat Carlie on the ground. Only then did I notice Rose sitting in the rocking chair. She scared me a bit with that. “Sorry, I just needed some time,” she apologized with a small smile. “It’s okay. You can talk to me whenever you want to, you know that, right?” I asked her softly. “Yes, I know that, thank you,” she responded with a loving smile. Carlie noticed her, too and walked over to her fast. Rose giggled and sat Carlie on her lap to rock them both. I rummaged through the closet to find the right clothes.

“What are you doing?” she asked after a moment. “Finding appropriate outdoor clothes; you know Carlie,” I laughed. “Oh, yes!” she laughed with me. I found her a pink polka dotted rain coat and the acid yellow rain boots, Alice had gotten her. Then I put out tights and a fitting dress. “That should be enough protection,” I chuckled and held up the boots and coat. “Let’s hope,” Rose answered and looked at Carlie, who only laughed hugely at us. I changed her as quickly as possible and then Rose accompanied us downstairs where Seth was already waiting.

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