Chapter 41 -Terrified...-

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I should have known that happiness wouldn’t last for eternity. It was just that way and it will always be that way.

As soon as you think you are over everything and started anew, the past is coming back at you furiously.

Why am I surprised or even shocked? Why am I terrified to death? Yes, because I am an optimist and believe in our happy ending.

I haven’t thought about that in nearly one and a half years. Neither did anyone else. But it was just so typical of me to get into this situation and now I have to fear the very life of my family again. Again!

My family couldn’t have a happy ending no matter how hard we tried…

I don’t know why we deserved this but somehow it always gets us and it slaps us right into the face when we aren’t watching and do not anticipate it.

I was still holding the letter in my hand when I felt that my world was tilting and I met the floor. I didn’t feel pain, I was paralyzed. My eyes closed and I met the welcoming nothingness.

Only minutes before we were all laughing because Carlie now got the joke and started to get us to laugh with the most hilarious stunts. We were like the picture-perfect family in the one moment and in the next the doomed one.

The doorbell had rung and I walked over to get it. There was no one but a letter was lying on our front porch. I picked up the mysterious plain envelope and looked around. There was no one…

I closed the door and opened it...

There were only 13 words on the piece of paper and a very distinct seal on the head of the letter. My whole body froze and I went into shock when I read it. That was the moment that the laughing in the background disappeared and everything swirled.

“Esme!” Carlisle called. I could hear several footsteps running into my direction through my numb state. “Esme, wake up!” “What happened?”

“I don’t know, but she is terrified, but then again I feel nothing and in the next moment I feel anger and then pain… She is very confused and she’s in shock.” I could slowly distinguish the voices and knew that it was Jasper, who was talking.

“I haven’t seen this coming, but again I cannot see her!” I heard Alice’s frustrated and angry voice. “It’s not your fault,” Jasper said calmly. “I’m just so angry at myself that I couldn’t stop it,” she admitted.

“Esme? We’re here, there is no danger. You are safe, we are all safe,” Carlisle tried to soothe me and stroked my hair.

No. We aren’t safe, but he didn’t know it yet. He was so wrong…

Slowly I could feel my arms and legs again and breathed in. “She is coming around,” Jasper said. Carlisle moved me from the ground into his arms and lay my head on his lap.

“You’re safe,” he whispered and kissed my hands. I could hear Carlie’s cries from a distance. “I look after her,” Jasper volunteered. Then I could hear shushing and Carlie’s wails.

I felt that someone took my hand and it must have been Alice. I was still terrified but the numb feeling left and again had control over my body. I slowly opened my eyes to look right into Carlisle’s worried ones.

“Esme,” he said and relief and sighed. “What happened?” Alice asked. I could see that Jasper walked in here with Carlie in his arms and she watched us curiously. “She wanted to see her mommy. She was very demanding,” Jasper said with a weak smile. I smiled weakly at my daughter.

“I think I bit of peace would be good now, Esme. Relax before you do anything,” Carlisle advised me.

“But what happened?” Alice asked again and was determined to get an answer.

I couldn’t say the words. They would only worsen the situation and foolishly I thought they would make it more real. So I only motioned over to the letter that was lying a few meters away from me.

Alice got up and grabbed the letter. She looked at me confused and then looked at it more closely.

“Oh no,” she said shocked and stood like a statue until Carlisle and Jasper got her to tell them what she had read. She handed the letter to them and they were just as shocked when they read it:

We know what you have done. We’ll see you soon –The Volturi 

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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