Chapter 47 -Carlie's Walking!-

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Only two weeks later we were all together again. And with all I really mean all. Jacob, Seth and Leah had come over last week and stayed over with Edward and Bella. They wanted to come over to us today after they had spent a weekend in an amusement park together with Nessie and her parents.

But in these two weeks all of us had their hands full. When Carlisle was at work, mostly Rose, Jasper and I looked after our little sweetie. She had learned to crawl pretty fast and already started to cruise from one object to the other standing and taking her first steps. It was so sweet and fascinating to watch her at first but as she was getting faster you couldn’t leave her for a second.

Before she started cruising, we all nearly got a panic attack because Rose and I had left the living room for a minute to prepare Carlie’s meal. When we walked back in, there was only her favorite teddy bear lying on the blanket on the ground without any trace of my daughter. We rushed into the bordering rooms but she wasn’t in there. Fortunately we found her a little later in the kitchen. She was sitting peacefully on the ground and looked at us with the most adorable smile. Since then we knew to not have her out of sight.

The day after that event, Carlisle bought child proof utilities for the house including protections for the stairs. It was a good thing because she was everywhere in the following weeks.

She loved to be mobile and was crawling into every corner and explored everything. Carlisle also noticed that she was a bit faster than a human which would explain why she was one moment in the one corner and if you look a second time she was already gone. That didn’t make it easier to get her though.

So today, like I said, Jacob and the others are coming over. Rose and Alice were babysitting Carlie while I was making dinner for the ones who ate.

“Carlie, come to me,” I heard Alice call. That was followed my Carlie’s squeals and clapping. I put the sauce pans off the stove and walked into the living room.

“Mama,” Carlie squealed and with assistance took her steps towards me. She hung onto the dining table like on dear life and I scooped her up into my arms and kissed her cheek. She clapped in joy.

“That was amazing, sweetie,” Alice called and nuzzled her tiny face. “She is getting better every time,” Rose said proudly and stroked her hand. “I know, give her a few more weeks and she can run around,” I joked.

“That could be,” Alice said seriously. “I know,” I repeated with a sigh, “she is developing so much faster since last month.” “That is not a bad thing. She is still little and in need of her mommy,” Rose soothed me and hugged my side. I sighed again.

Carlie started to wail in my arms and motioned down. I sat her down on the ground and Carlie crawled fast over to the couch and helped herself to stand. “She will need so many shoes soon,” Alice clapped. “That was actually the last thing I thought about,” I laughed. Alice only winked at me. I walked back into the kitchen to get everything ready and then went back to the girls.

Carlie was now holding onto Alice’s leg and played with her fingers. She smiled at me when she saw me and then returned to her new “toy.”

“Hey, everybody,” Jacob called suddenly and walked into the living room. Carlie was so startled that she let go of Alice’s leg and was falling backwards. Alice caught her smoothly and handed her to me.

“Oh, look who can already stand,” Jacob cooed and took her from me. She wasn’t so happy about that development and hid her face from him. She started to cry and reached towards me. I got up and took her in my arms to soothe her.

Jacob looked sad because she didn’t want to be in his arms. “Don’t take it too seriously, Jacob,” Edward said.

“Yes, she is just very devoted to her loved ones right now. She is already familiar with all of us, because she is around us every day, but she hasn’t seen you in a while. That will subside,” I promised and rocked Carlie to make her laugh. “I made dinner,” I said after a minute. “Sounds good,” Seth called and walked into the dining room. Jacob followed after a minute with a last glance at Carlie.

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