Chapter 45 -Esme's Birthday-

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Two weeks later…

I had to admit that as the days went by, some days were better than others. We certainly had good ones where we were carefree, but there were also ones that I wished wouldn’t have happened.

Such a day had been today. Sadly it had been my birthday. It started as a good one, but I lost it at the end…

As you can imagine, I wasn’t in the right mood to celebrate my birthday. I would have been if I could really enjoy it, but I could never keep the Volturi out of my head. For today, I had vowed that exactly that wouldn’t happen and that I would be happy for my family.

It really started well. I was woken up by Carlisle in the morning and he surprised me with a huge bouquet of red roses and breakfast in bed. He stayed with me for an hour and we cuddled and spoke about various things. It was nice for a change.

But then he had to leave for work. He apologized a thousand times, but I reassured him that we would celebrate more in the evening when he was back home. He didn’t leave me without showering me with kisses.

When I later walked down into the kitchen, my kids were jumping up and called “Happy Birthday.” I jumped back in surprise and then had to laugh. “Thank you,” I called and hugged them. They started to sing for me and I felt myself blushing. Edward smirked at me and hugged me close.

Then Emmett lifted me up into the air and in his arms and bear-hugged me. “Let me down, Emmett, you are squishing me,” I laughed. “Yes, birthday girl,” he smiled and set me down. “We will give you the presents later together with Carlisle,” Alice said and hugged me. “Okay,” I hugged her back.

“And here she comes,” Rose smiled and walked into the room with Carlie. She was smiling hugely and reached towards me. She was wearing a blue tutu and a t-shirt with “Happy Birthday, Mommy,” on it. “Haha, so sweet,” I laughed and took my daughter from Rose. She reached for my cheek and showed me all that she felt. Fortunately only positive emotions… I kissed her small fingers and sat her down in her high chair for breakfast.

“Ms. Cullen, your breakfast,” Emmett said and handed Carlie the bottle like a butler. Carlie smiled at him funny and took the bottle eagerly.

“So today, no worrying, but lots of fun!” Alice instructed.

“We invited Anna and John over and before they and Carlisle come we will play together and just spent some good old family time.” “I like that,” I smiled. “I know,” Alice smirked.

Rose handed cereals to Carlie after she finished her bottle. Carlie took some into her mouth but threw most of it on the ground. “Carlie, no,” I scolded her mildly and put the bowl more over to her. She watched me carefully and did it again. “Carlie…” I sighed.

“Come on now,” Edward said and motioned me over to the winter garden. We talked, played, laughed and made jokes the entire afternoon. My kids really kept their promise.

In the evening Anna came over but without Avery. He was over at his grandparents. Carlisle and John arrived half an hour later. Rose, Bella and Alice really had prepared a birthday cake for me that really looked amazing. “This looks good,” I laughed. “We are getting better,” Bella winked.

“Now, blow out the candles,” Alice said impatiently. “And make a wish,” Emmett interjected loudly. I closed my eyes and made a wish… I opened my eyes again and everyone clapped. Emmett cheered the loudest.

“Time for presents,” Jasper said quietly and everyone gave me their presents. Carlisle had picked out a necklace fitting to my charm bracelet. It had the same crystal heart on it that also twinkled in the light. “Thanks,” I told him with a smile and kissed him. “You’re welcome,” he answered with my favorite dazzling smile.

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