Chapter 7 -The Hospital-

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We arrived then at the hospital and Carlisle climbed out of the car and held the door open for me. Carlie was drifting to sleep but woke up every time she had to cough. It sounded like a rattle when she breathed. I kissed her forehead while walking to the entrance.

“This way,” Carlisle guided me. We walked through the entrance hall, away from the emergency room, up into the elevator and then into the pediatrics. Nurses wanted to tell us that we couldn’t just get in here, but as soon as they saw Carlisle they quickly led us the way.

Eventually, we walked into an examining room and a female doctor walked inside. “Hello, Dr. Cullen, what can I do for you?” she smiled kindly at us. “Hello, Mrs. Cullen, I am Dr. Shaun.” I smiled at her.
“I suspect our daughter Carlie has a lung infection. But I wanted to be sure,” Carlisle explained to her.
“Let’s see,” she said and took Carlie from my arms. She stripped her down to her body suit and auscultated her.

“You might be right, the respiratory sounds suspect as much, but I’d like to make an x-ray to be sure.”
"Of course.”
“Do you want to come with her?”
“If we could,” I said. She then waited until I dressed Carlie and walked to the radiology. I held onto Carlie anxiously. Carlisle took my hand when we were nearly there and I felt instantly better by his touch and his smile at me.

After doing the x-ray, Dr. Shaun made more tests. In the meantime Carlisle, Carlie and I were sitting in the waiting area. I felt woozy and so worn out, but I was too anxious to relax.

Carlie was sleeping steadily in Carlisle’s arms. She got something so that she could breathe better and could finally sleep, she was exhausted. I leaned my head on Carlisle’s shoulder and watched her.

He put his other arm around me and kissed my hair. “She will be fine,” he whispered. I nodded. “Sleep a little bit, my love, I wake you up as soon as we know more,” he said and stroked my back.
“No, I cannot sleep, I’m too anxious,” I told him quietly.
“We’ll see,” he smirked for the first time with a genuine smile and started to stroke my back soothingly and hummed the song Edward has written for me.

“Not fair,” I muttered but drifted fast to sleep.

“Esme? Dr. Shaun is here,” he whispered softly into my ear. I opened my eyes at once and sat upright. That motion caused dizziness but I didn’t care at the moment.

Dr. Shaun was standing in front of us and started to explain to us that Carlie has a viral pneumonia, which should somehow be good news as it would go away easier and the symptoms would be not as harsh. She told us that we can take her back home, since Carlisle would be there anyway. She handed us some things and said to come back if there were any changes.

“Get well soon, cutie,” Dr. Shaun cooed and stroked her cheek. Then we shook hands and she led us to the exit. 

“Did I understand that right? A viral pneumonia is in this case good news?” I asked Carlisle on the way to the car.
“Yes, it is. It will go away faster and she wouldn’t have a fast change in temperature or nausea. She will feel much better in the next days already.” I sighed in relief. “See, nothing to worry about,” he smiled at me. I cuddled to his side as he guided us in the early morning to the car.

“How is she?”
“Is she fine?”
“What did they say?”
“What does she have?”

“Shush, she is sleeping and for the first time this night without waking up, let her sleep,” I said, but I wasn’t sure they understood me; even I couldn’t understand what I slurred.

“She will be fine, I’ll tell you later. They both need some rest now,” Carlisle told them.
“Should I?” Rose asked. I looked at Carlisle and he nodded.

Rose walked into the living room with Carlie and Carlisle suddenly swept me up into his arms. “What are you doing?” I murmured.
“I am bringing my beautiful wife to bed,” he whispered with a loving smile.
“No, I want to stay here with Carlie,” I protested, but it was difficult to keep my eyes open.

“Esme, you need to sleep.”
“I don’t want to.” He sighed, but didn’t let me down. He walked into the living room and sat down on the loveseat, resting me on his lap like a small child.
“Then you will sleep here,” he told me with a hint of authority but also amusement in his voice.

I didn’t protest that much; I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer. So I rested my head on his shoulder and watched the others. The light rocking and the soft words of love made me fall asleep fast.

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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