Chapter 38 -Zumba and Embarrassment-

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On Friday, Alice called to say that Jasper and she will probably be back on Sunday. I told her that we will pick them up, but she declined and said that she would rather surprise us.

When she had called, I was in the middle of getting ready. Anna had invited me to go to her Zumba course today. She explained to me that it is a mixture of dancing and fitness. I told her that I cannot come because I had no one to look after Carlie, but she told me that she also brought Avery and that they had a daycare at the gym.

I accepted the offer, which I was now regretting a bit. I sighed and packed my sports bag. I ran downstairs to get a bottle of water. I put my hair in a messy bun and then put Carlie into the pram. It already rang and I opened the door.

“Hi, Esme! Up for the work out?” “I think so,” I said tentatively. “You will like it,” she laughed.

“Oh, hello, Avery!” I greeted the little blonde boy standing hidden behind Anna’s leg. He was peeking at me and had a huge grin on his face when he saw me watching him. He was three years old and a good little guy. She rarely gave Anna any trouble.

Then we walked together to the gym.

Whatever Anna had told me, it was wrong! I was so exhausted after Zumba. I clutched my sides and couldn’t get enough water into my system.

“Next time will be better,” she laughed when she saw me. “I fervently hope so,” I said breathlessly. She patted my shoulder and walked over to get changed.

When we arrived home, Carlisle was already there.

“Hi! What are you doing here so early?” I wondered. “I got the rest of the day off, my assistant can do the rest,” he smirked. He walked over to me and kissed me. He looked over at Carlie in the pram and saw that she was sleeping soundly.

A mischievous grin appeared on his face and he pulled me over to the couch and kissed me again. “No, Carlisle! I am totally sweaty,” I complained and got up. “I don’t mind,” he argued and pouted. “But I do! Let me shower first,” I said. The sparkle in his eyes returned and he nodded eagerly. I laughed at his enthusiasm.

When I walked over into the bedroom after taking a long and relaxing shower, Carlisle was already sitting on the bed. “Carlie is in her nursery sleeping,” he said. “Okay,” I said and walked into the closet to tease him.

He sighed sadly. “Oh, do you really think I am that mean?” I laughed and returned in only my towel. He smiled at me in expectation and sat me on his lap to kiss me.

“I learned something new today in Zumba,” I told him. “And what would that be?” he asked in between kisses. “I’ll show you,” I told him seductively and got up from his lap.

I made the dance moves of one of the Indian dances that could be right out of Arabian Nights. We had a modern dance version of it today that was much more exhausting, but these moves were rather belly dance and other elements. Carlisle’s eyes were huge when he watched me with surprise but also lust and amusement. At last I unfastened the towel and returned to kissing Carlisle….

We lay in bed for hours when suddenly the door bell rang. I was ripped out of our happy bubble and groaned.

“Who is it?” I asked Carlisle. “I don’t know,” he said thoughtfully.

“It might be Alice and Jasper they wanted to surprise us when they would come. She called today but didn’t want to be picked up,” I thought about it and enthusiastically sat up with the prospect to see my children.

I grabbed Carlisle’s blue shirt because I couldn’t find anything in the time and dressed myself in it. Alice wouldn’t mind, I thought. I looked around for my robe, but then the bell rang a second time. I just wanted to get downstairs and both had seen worse.

“What if it’s not…” I heard Carlisle call after me. But I was already at the door…

“Welcome home,” I said with a huge smile and threw the door open.

But to my embarrassment and certainly hers, too, there stood a young brunette girl on our front porch. “Excuse me. Mrs. Cullen?” she asked timidly and turned red. “Ehm, yes,” I said and tried to hide most of me behind the door.

“I’m Emily Evenson, Dr. Cullen’s assistant. I couldn’t reach him on the phone and he said I could come over any time?” she said and turned her statement into a question at the end. “Of course,” I said with a smile and motioned her inside.

Carlisle saved me in that second and rushed downstairs perfectly dressed. I excused myself and ran upstairs to get clothes. Stupid, stupid… I chanted to myself when I slowly walked downstairs.

I hoped that she was already gone but of course I hadn’t that much luck. She was sitting in the living room together with Carlisle and talked.

“Hello again,” I said quietly. “I will leave you two alone,” I said then. “No, just come here,” Carlisle said with a warm smile and patted the place next to him.

Emily watched us with huge eyes and an emotion I couldn’t quite pinpoint. Maybe jealousy? But I really didn’t know. I sat down and listened to what they arranged.

Half an hour later, she said goodbye and was gone again. I let out a huge sigh and fell back on the couch. “I’m soo sorry,” I said to Carlisle. My face was in my hands in embarrassment and I wasn’t sure if he heard me.

“I think that was quite funny,” he chuckled. “Good that you still have your humor,” I murmured. “Really, she would have anticipated everything but not that,” he laughed.

“Stop it! I embarrassed you,” I groaned. “It was just a student. You didn’t greet my boss like that. It’s okay. You didn’t do it on purpose,” he soothed me. I sighed but let him.

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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