She always wants to call me by that long-ass royal name.

My friends,-yes I have friends- Kyle, Damon, and Federigo gave me that nickname.


It sounds better that Shar-Lought Eh-Lourah.

Lot was easier to pronounce too.

"I can call you however I want, Charlotte Elora!"

I groaned as I went inside my comfort room and washed my hands and did my nightly business before I came out again.

I tightened the tie of my white sweatpants as I made my way to the computer and furrowed my eyebrows as I saw my sister's browser history.

I put my hair up in a high bun.

My eyes narrowed at a short phrase.

What kind of band label is this?

"What the heck is a Man-Band?" I wondered out loud.

I shrugged it off. Probably some other Childish thingama-what's-it's my sister's obsessed about.

I already finished dinner so, I had no other choice but to sleep.

But, of course, who would ever turn down sleep?

Haha. Not me of course.


Waking up in the morning isn't one of my most favorite things in the world.

The reason is that the sun is always in my eye whenever I wake up.

I know what you're thinking.

Why not close the windows, or the curtains?

Well, I cant be bothered to do so, okay?!

I'm a very laz-busy woman!

Yes, busy.

I looked at my bedside table, and saw that it was just 6 am.

6 in the flucking morning and it's so sunny?! Get outta here.

I checked my phone, darn it.

It really is 6 am.

No choice but to stand up and close the curtains before going back to bed.

I stomped my way over to the curtains and closed it, preventing the blinding light fron getting into my room.

Oh the joy.

I jumped back in bed, dreaming about my calculus book being burn-

Ring, ring!

What the hell?

Ring, ring!

My phone is ringing at such an ungodly hour.

Who the heck could it be? Urgh.

I blindly answered my ohone as I swiped the screen to accept the call.

"What the flickity fluck do you need? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here, ya imbecile!"

I heard a chorus of deep throaty laughs from the other end and immediately my eyes bolted open.

It was an unknown number.

Oh God. Who the heck could this be?

Maybe its just the ugky trio again.

"Damon, Kyle, Fed, stop playing tricks on me. I swear to all things dead that I will skin you alive with my ootato peelers." I groaned.

"I'm legit trying to sleep here."

I heard another chorus of laughs.

Ugh. Whatever.

I started to droop back to sleep.

"I'm hanging up, whatev-"

My eyes were closing.

"Miss Charlotte Elora Ryans, we are very pleased to inform you that you have passed the interview." I heard an unfamiliar American accent ring through.

I yawned.

I mean, don't judge me for knowing my accents.

Its one of the perks of being british.

A british person that lives in the US.


Wait.. Interview?

What interview?

I decided to voice my thoughts.

I was suddenly awake.

"This whole conversation is the interview. It's for the Boy Band Games, y'know. The one you applied for yesterday night?" I heard someone with a light texan accent say.

Yesterday nigh-

"Boy-wha.. Holy fluck. Jane Ellise Ryans, you are so dead!"

The tutu-clad girl behind my door squealed as she ran for mommy.

Damn you, devil spawn.

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Question of the Day:
What do you like the most about your sibling? If you don't have one, then yourself.

Boy Band Games: Why Don't We Edition ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt