Chapter 62

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Mafu still couldn't believe that his feelings were returned. He felt insecure about it and timidly looked at the raven-haired.

"Do you really love me?"

"Oi, didn't I just confess to you?"

"Yes, but....."

"If I didn't love you then what would be the point of me confessing."

Mafu was smiling like an idiot as he looked at Soraru. The raven-haired smiled back, a rare smile that the albino got to see.

"Www so now everyone in our group has someone they love~"

"Seems so." Soraru replied in a bored voice.

Mafu grinned as he hugged the raven-haired, he was happy that he didn't have to worry about that anymore. They were all happy now.

"Should we go back inside before the others wonder where we are?" Mafu asked as he looked at the raven-haired.

"Probably, even though I doubt they noticed that we aren't there."


Mafu grabbed the raven-haired's hand as he walked back inside the beach house. Soraru just chuckled at the albino's bubbly personality.

The two went back inside, only to find the others all laughing at a very irritated and blushing Urata. Sakata was burying his face in one of the couch pillows, they could see that his ears were completely red.

Soraru rose his eyebrow towards them as the albino spoke.

"What did we miss?" Mafu asked them.

Amatsuki tried to tell them but was unable to get even a single word out as his laughter kept interrupting him. The others were trying to catch their breathes as they tried to stop laughing.

"I'm guessing that you guys are teasing him." Soraru stated nonchalantly as he looked at the others in amusement.

Luz could only nod his head as he laughed at the glare on the green eyed brunette's face. Urata's face was fully red and he looked like he was ready to punch them at any given moment.

"I'm going to kill you guys one day." Urata threatened as he gritted his teeth in anger.

"Www sure you are." Shima managed to say as he gave the short brunette a teasing look.

"Can you tell me why you're teasing him~?" Mafu playfully asked as the light haired male laughed.

"Just the fact that Urata acts lovely-dovey when he's alone with Sakata~"

"But that's usual, he always tries to put on a tough persona." Soraru smirked as he looked at the short brunette, who was fuming with annoyance.

"You're going to be first on my murder list Soraru."

"I feel honored." Soraru sarcastically replied with a smug look as the green eyed brunette narrowed his glare towards him even more.

The guys eventually were beginning to stop their laughing fit. Kashitaro looked at the two before noticing their hands.

"What's with you two~?" The brunette asked, a small smile appearing on his face, as he pointed to the raven-haired and albino.

"What do you mean?" Mafu asked as he titled his head in slight confusion.

"You're holding hands~" Amatsuki said with a big grin on his face.


Mafu and Soraru realized that their fingers were still intertwined and let go, though the albino still wanted to have the raven-haired's warmth but didn't want the others to tease him. But it was too late.

Secret (SoraMafu/UraSaka)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant