Chapter 4

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Soraru was sitting in class, watching the teacher write things on the board. It had been two weeks since he arrived at the school. He had become a part of the group as the others enjoyed his company. His head was rested on his hand as he barely payed attention. Nqrse was just writing down notes, though there were times where he'd just be on his phone. Urata was watching the teacher, his boredom growing more and more. Once he had enough he just groaned, causing the raven-haired to turn his gaze towards him.

"You seem annoyed."

"Ya think? I'm bored~"

"Oh well. If I'm suffering then you're suffering with me."

"Can't I do something fun?"

"No. Your idea of fun involves scaring people and I don't want people to think the school is haunted. It just causes problems for me."

"If that happens we can just reset time before I did anything."

"That's true, but then I'd have to go through the same lessons again."

"Can't I just do a little scare~"

Soraru glared at the brunette, him sitting in the back was such a great thing to ever happen to him as no one would see him glare at the window. Urata just sighed and crossed his arms as he pouted.

"You never let me have fun."

"No, I just don't want people to think that I'm possessed or something. I mean I just joined the school and some paranormal shit is occurring. Why wouldn't that raise suspicions?"

"I hate it when you have a point."


They just sat in the class, Urata was so bored that he fell asleep in his spot as the raven-haired wrote down in his notebook. The lunch bell rang, students got up to get their lunch as Nqrse turned to look at Soraru.

"We should go meet up with the others before they complain about us being late."

Soraru nodded his head as turned his head to look at the sleeping brunette. Guess I should wake him up. Though the raven-haired had no idea how to without making Nqrse look at him in confusion. He debated with himself for a few seconds before deciding to leave him be. He'll wake up on his own, he thought as he followed Nqrse to the roof. Urata eventually woke up just a few minutes after they had left.

"How rude Soraru~"

The brunette looked around the classroom, the students' bags were still there as they were elsewhere for lunch. Urata grinned as he decided to mess around with their stuff. He'd switch people's papers, hide their belongings in their bags. He'd even write on some of their papers, leaving little comments here and there. Once Urata was satisfied by his work he went towards the roof. Along the way he spotted a certain redhead that was being dragged by the albino. Urata decided to follow them to listen to their conversation.

"Mafu explain why I'm coming with you."

"Because you're my best friend and you love me."

"I thought Amatsuki and Luz were your best friends."

The albino blushed as he stuttered. "O-Of c-course they are. L-Luz and Amatsuki are also my best friends. I have more then one."

"Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being called 'best' friend."

"Sakata, you need to stop hanging out with Kashitaro. He's corrupting you."


"You're suppose to be the idiot of the group."

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