Chapter 24

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Soraru winced slightly, he took a few deep breathes to ease his headache. The raven-haired looked around the area and saw that he was by the vending machine. Well I now know where we're not going. Soraru thought sarcastically as he noticed that Urata was looking at him worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Soraru turned to look at the light haired male that was accompanying him, only to see Luz stare at them with wide eyes. The taller male had disbelief, and what seemed to be a slight bit of happiness, flash across his face.


The brunette and raven-haired suddenly remembered about the book. I forgot that he'd get an ability now. Guess hanging around with them makes me feel like I'm normal. Urata floated towards the light haired male, who stepped back.

"Hey Luz."

Urata smiled at the light haired male, who was still hesitant towards the brunette. Luz was completely confused, the friend that he heard was dead and gone was now happily talking to him as a ghost.

"W-What?— H-How are y-you—?"

"Soraru made a wish to bring me back and here we are."

Urata looked at the raven-haired with a grin before turning his attention back on Luz and patted his head. Luz flinched at the brunette's touch, but his shock soon began to change into happiness. Tears appeared in his eyes as he stared at the brunette. He was happy to see the friend he had lost again. He would've hugged the brunette, had it not been that he was a ghost.

"Www now I can act like I'm taller than you~"

"B-But how?"

"I have the ability to reset time." Soraru said.

The raven-haired was starting to get sick and tired of having to repeat the same thing over and over after every reset. Luz was dumbstruck and stared at the two, the brunette nodded his head in confirmation.

"Yep~ his ability lets him go back in time. He got it after that day, along with me coming back, although the downside was that I became a ghost."

Luz was going to say something until he felt a burning sensation on his arm. The light haired male looked to see a tattoo had appeared on his arm. He stared in awe at the heart design with feathers around it. He then turned his gaze towards the raven-haired, who began to explain.

"The tattoo lets you use an ability, when you do it changes color to show that you're using it. My angel wing changes to white whenever I use my ability."

"Oh." Luz said as he went back to looking at the tattoo, he was amazed.

"We'll go visit Akimasa sensei to see what power you got."

"Okay." Luz said as he smiled, he looked at the two males with a bright smile. "Who would've thought that the three of us would be together again."

Soraru and Urata smiled at the light haired male's comment. They were glad to see that, in some twisted way, they were all back together as back then. Soraru was glad that the three can talk just like before.

"Oh right, just know that Amatsuki and Nqrse also have abilities so they can see me but the others can't."

"How do we get the ability?" Luz asked innocently but became confused when he saw the raven-haired and brunette tense up.

"Y-You guys die and I reset time." Soraru said as he avoided the light haired male's gaze. Luz began to feel bad for asking, Soraru already suffered seeing Urata die, and now he has to see us die.

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