Chapter 7

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Soraru was trying to barely stay awake during the exams. He wished that he could freeze time instead of resetting it, so that he could get a few more hours of sleep. He used the little ounce of energy he had to make it through the exams. The raven-haired was able to finish with a few minutes to spare. He rested his head on his arms as he faced the window. Urata looked at him amused.

"Someone looks tired."

"Really? I had no idea."

"Oi. I make the sarcastic responses, not receive them."

"Well deal with it."

Urata sighed as the raven-haired was laying his head on his desk. Nqrse was done with his exams and was just working on something else. Soraru was ready to go to sleep right here and there, but it seemed like Urata had other ideas.

"Why didn't you want me to take a look at the other's answers so I can tell you~"

"We agreed to not use your ghost ability to cheat."

"You're no fun."

"Why don't you go to Sakata's class and let me sleep."

"E-Eh?! Why would I go to that idiot's class?"

Urata's face was slightly red as Soraru inwardly smirked. The raven-haired had noticed the brunette seemed drawn towards the redhead.

"I don't know. You're the one that keeps staring at him. Did you fall in love with him?" Soraru teased the brunette, who was glaring at him.

"No I don't!"

"So you get to tease me but I can't tease you?"

"I could because it's true and you admitted that you like Mafu! But I. Don't. Like. That. Idiot."

Soraru just gave him an expression that was basically saying 'are you sure about that?' Urata just continued to glare at the raven-haired male. The brunette was sure that his face was red just like Sakata's hair. Ah! WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT HIM?!? Soraru just stared at his friend in amusement, he rarely sees the brunette lose his cool.

"I-I'm leaving now! Goodbye!"

Urata stuttered as he left the classroom, his face still flushed. The raven-haired male just chuckled as he turned his head to see the brunette leave. And he says I'm the tsundere. Soraru laid his head on his arm as he let his eyes shut for awhile.

Urata was going around the school to clear his mind. There's no way I would love that idiot. I don't even talk to him! Urata wasn't paying attention to where he was going and when he looked up, he noticed that he was in Mafu's classroom. The brunette just groaned out loud, good thing no one can hear him. He sulked as he saw the three guys were all talking. Guess I'll listen to the conversation. Urata sat on the albino's desk as he looked at them.

"Well we only have two more days of exams." Luz said as the other two groaned.

"I don't wanna do them~" Mafu whined as he slid down on his chair as he sulked.

"Well we should probably study now."

"What if—"

"No you're not going to pull an all nighter this time. I don't want to get spammed with messages of you complaining." Mafu pouted at Luz's scolding.

"I just wanna sleep~" Sakata had joined their conversation. Mafu sighed at the redhead's childish actions.

"You could go to sleep right now. We're not doing anything."

Secret (SoraMafu/UraSaka)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ