Chapter 13

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Urata was slightly annoyed at the sight of Sakata happily talking to the raven-haired. I'm an idiot for being annoyed. He knew he was being stupid for getting jealous of the two when it was impossible for Sakata to love him, the redhead can't even see him. The brunette just sighed and glared as Sakata grabbed Soraru's hand.

"Let's go on the roller coaster." Sakata said as Soraru immediately froze. The redhead noticed the raven-haired's hesitation and titled his head in a way that Urata thought was cute.

"Are you okay Soraru?"

"A-Ah, I'm fine. I just.......don't like roller coasters."

"Eh? Why?"


"Because you're a big wimp when it comes to heights~"

"Oi! You're the same!"

"What do you mean?"

Urata asked the question as if he didn't understand the raven-haired. Soraru just glared at him before looking back at the redhead that was still holding his hand and staring at him in confusion. Sakata continued to stare for a while before his expression changed to one of realization.

"Ah, are you afraid of heights Soraru?"


Sakata let go of Soraru's hand, much to the brunette's delight, and apologized to the raven-haired.

"A-Ah! I'm sorry for trying to force you to go on."

"N-No it's fine." Soraru shook his hands as a way to reassure the redhead.

The apologetic expression on the redhead's face made the raven-haired feel like he just kicked a small puppy. Soraru tried to think of something to cheer up the redhead and looked around.

"Want to go on another ride?" Soraru asked as Sakata beamed up.


Sakata grabbed Soraru's arm again, much to the brunette's dismay, and dragged him to other rides that the raven-haired wouldn't be afraid to go on. Urata was watching them throughout their time at the amusement park, he was pouting every time Sakata smiled at Soraru. What's so great about Soraru?

"You're jealous?"

Urata snapped his head to glare at the raven-haired. Soraru smirked a bit as he saw the brunette blush at the accusation.

"No I'm not."

"That's what they all say."

"Why would I get jealous for that idiot?!"

"So then you wouldn't care if I said I had feelings for him?"

"Oi! Say that and I'll—"

Urata cut himself off as he saw the raven-haired smirk even more. The brunette realized that he just fell for Soraru's trick. The brunette blushed even more as he groaned in annoyance.

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