Chapter 41

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Urata averted his gaze from the redhead and mentally cursed at himself for doing something embarrassing like that. Wait, doesn't that make me worse than the prick? Urata began to think that he maybe shouldn't have kissed the redhead. He glanced at Sakata and saw that the redhead was blushing madly. Urata found the redhead's blushing face to be cute. Sakata seemed to snap out of his dazed state as his voice became quiet and shy.

"Y-Y-You l-like m-m-me?"

"Oi idiot, what do you think that kiss meant?" Urata said as he looked away.

Sakata blushed and looked down at the ground. The moonlight shined, filling the area as the flowers swayed from the breeze. The only thing heard between the two were the leaves swaying from the wind. Urata had enough of the redhead's silence and sighed. He began to walk past the redhead with an expressionless face.

"I get it, you don't like me. Why don't you go back to Sorato and ask him for a kiss if you want that so badly."

Urata's voice showed hostility as he said the short raven-haired's name. He was glaring at the ground as his arms were crossed. Sakata widened his eyes as he stared at the green eyed brunette.


The redhead couldn't find his voice, Urata knew he was being rude to the redhead but decided that it was better like that. The green eyed brunette had walked further ahead until felt himself get tackled from behind. He fell to the ground along with Sakata, he glared at the redhead.


"I-I like Urata!"

The green eyed brunette widened his eyes as he stared at the redhead, who had buried his face into the short brunette's chest. Sakata was blushing madly, he felt shy letting the green eyed brunette see his red face.

Silence enveloped the two, Urata was blushing a bit but managed to cover it up as he pushed the redhead off him. Urata and Sakata both sat up, the green eyed brunette stared at the redhead that was looking at the ground.


Sakata glanced up to look at the green eyed brunette, only to feel Urata's lips on his again. The redhead melted in the kiss as the green eyed brunette dominated it. After a while they parted, Sakata's face was completely red while Urata had some tints of red. They just stared at each other before the redhead hugged the green eyed brunette.

"So...." Sakata started out but let his voice trial out.

"You're not going to seriously ask if this means we're dating?"

"Sometimes people do things without realizing."

"Why did I fall in love with an idiot?"

Sakata giggled as he felt the warmth from the green eyed brunette. Urata returned the hug as they sat on the grass. Sakata then realized something and glanced up at the green eyed brunette.

"Um....what about Sorato?"

"What about that bastard?"

"He saw you as a human, but you weren't suppose to be on the trip."

Urata widened his eyes in realization. He kinda forgot that he wasn't suppose to go in his human during the trip.

"Oh right, well we can ask Soraru to just reset so he doesn't see me, but....."

Then you'd forget about the confession. Urata was hesitant until he heard the redhead.

"It's probably fine, if it's like you guys said then the reset shouldn't really change anything. Things happen differently because you guys did something different. My feelings wouldn't just suddenly change after one reset."

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