Chapter 11

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The June summer sunlight can be seen filling the sky that was clear of clouds. Children could be seen running around the town, playing with each other as they didn't worry about school. People are out of their houses to enjoy the summer weather, making plans and just living their life. During summer break, you would see people going outside to make the most of the sunny weather, or you can be like a certain raven-haired male and stay indoors.

Soraru was sitting around his living room, enjoying the cool air that was flowing from his fan. His parents were out for work so he was alone in the house, well besides having the brunette next to him. It was the day before they had planned to go to the amusement park. The raven-haired was playing games with Urata, they now had all the time we wanted to just laze around. Soraru and Urata were in a fierce, or as fierce as it can be, competition. They were laughing around, happy to have time to themselves. At least that was the idea, but while they were playing Soraru noticed he got a text from someone. After Urata won the match he went to check it.

Mafu: I'm coming over :3

"Eh?" Soraru said out loud, confused by the albino's text.

He noticed that it was sent ten minutes ago and he sheepishly laughed. Guess I still left them on mute.

The previous night Mafu had been eagerly talking about their planned fun day, the others tried to calm him down by saying they still had to wait for two more days. Soraru didn't want to deal with a hyper and annoying albino so he muted his phone and forgot to unmute it once he woke up.

"So Mafu's coming over?"

Urata was looking over the raven-haired's shoulder as he read the text. Soraru just nodded as he looked at the time. It was about 3:30 pm, he hadn't even noticed that time had passed. He thought that maybe the albino forgot and wouldn't come, until he heard a knock on his door.

"Huh? He actually came?"

Soraru got up from his spot on the floor and was about the head towards the door until Urata grabbed his hand to stop him. The raven-haired turned to give him a confused look as Urata nudged his head to gesture towards the TV. Soraru gave an 'oh' gesture before turning off the game. The screen showed two players so if Mafu saw that, he would probably question him and Soraru wouldn't know what to say seeing as how he was the only one in the house. He then went to open the door and was greeted with the sight of the albino, along with the redhead.

"Hello Soraru."

Mafu smiled as Sakata just waved at the raven-haired. Soraru looked at them for a second before nodding his head in acknowledgment. Mafu pouted at the raven-haired's lazy action.

"You can at least say hi back."

Soraru just rolled his eyes and went back to his living room as the other two males followed inside. Urata noticed that Sakata was with them as he saw the three emerge from the entrance hallway.

"Eh? Sakata's here?"

The brunette was surprised to see the redhead join the albino. Soraru just shrugged at Urata's question before focusing on the two males again.

"So why are you here?"

"How rude Soraru, I can't visit a friend's house?"

Mafu fake pouted as the raven-haired rolled his eyes again, it had become a habit once he had meet these guys. Soraru crossed his arms and rose his eyebrow at the albino.

"What are you planning now?"

Mafu stared at the raven-haired in shock as Soraru had figured out his reason. He giggled, which sounded like an angel's voice to the raven-haired's ears. Soraru shook his head to get rid of the thoughts.

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