Chapter 58

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Soraru was in his room packing his things and thinking about what else he should bring along. He didn't plan on bringing much. Urata was playing a video game, not worrying about packing up at all.

It was the day of their trip to the beach. The guys planned to stay there for three days since Luz's parents could only rent it for that long so they wanted to make the most of it. Luz told them that the beach house was about a ten minute walk from the beach.

Soraru looked at the green eyed brunette and sighed. He glanced down to see the small tanuki sleeping that had fallen asleep on his bed awhile ago. He gently patted her head, Yamadanuki woke up and looked at the raven-haired. He gestured his head towards the short brunette, Yamadanuki understood and went towards her owner.

The small tanuki rested her paws on the controller that the green eyed brunette was holding. Urata looked up from the game to see the raven-haired raising his eyebrow towards him.


"Shouldn't you pack now?"

"Eh, I'll worry about packing later."

"We have fifteen minutes until we meet the guys to head towards the beach house."


Urata's whole body stopped moving, causing his character in the game died, as he looked at the raven-haired in confusion. The green eyed brunette looked at the clock to see that they did in fact have fifteen minutes.

The short brunette sheepishly laughed, ignoring Soraru's disappointed sigh. Urata then groaned as he let go of the game and got whatever he needed.

"Should we bring the book?"

"Eh? Why?"

"Well there's still two more pages left, plus there's the blank page."

Soraru looked at the book for a while before going to grab it and stuffing it in his backpack. Maybe I can ask Mafu, it was his book before so he probably knows something.

They finished up packing and left the raven-haired's house to meet up with the others. Yamadanuki was sitting on the raven-haired's shoulder as they walked.

The two made it to the albino's home, Akimasa greeted them before saying goodbye to Mafu as he left for work. The albino beamed at them as they entered the house.

Urata immediately changed into his human self once he stepped foot in the house. The green eyed brunette was glad that he didn't have to worry about people seeing him when they're at the beach. Not like anyone will recognize me.

"What's with the tanuki?" Amatsuki asked as he saw the small creature jump from Soraru's shoulder to the short brunette's shoulder.

"Her name is Yamadanuki and she wanted to tag along." Urata said as he patted her head.

"She's his pet." Soraru stated as the others let out an 'oh.'

"Ah~ I haven't seen you since forever Yamada." Luz said as he grabbed her tiny paws.

The small tanuki just made a noise that sounded like she was happy at seeing the light haired male.

"So we're all here now, let's go~" Amatsuki said but Luz grabbed his arm to stop him.

The red eyed brunette looked at the light haired male in confusion before remembering something.

"Eh? Aren't we going to leave?" Urata asked as he looked at the guys in confusion.

"Yep~ alright Kashi teleport us." Sakata said as the brunette blinked his eyes.

"Huh?" Kashitaro was confused at the redhead's command.

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