Chapter 32

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The green eyed brunette was in the faculty room as the teacher told him more about the school. He had to stay behind so his teacher could help him catch up with the class. He told the others to leave without him, and unlike when Soraru told them, this time they did leave. Sakata was also staying behind as the teachers wanted to check up on the bullying. The guys were okay with leaving Sakata alone since he would be with either a teacher or Urata so they didn't have to worry much.

Once he was done, he could've gone home, but he decided to walk around the school to explore. He had done this before when he was still just a ghost but he wanted to experience walking. He was grateful that there weren't much students here after school so the hallway wasn't crowded at all. Urata was walking around the halls after school, finding the silence to be comforting. He turned around the corner, only to bump into Sakata.

"A-Ah, sorry Urata." The redhead apologized as the green eyed brunette glared at him.

"Oi. Don't you ever watch where you're going idiot?"

Sakata glared at the green eyed brunette's comment and shouted in reply.

"Don't you ever get bored of calling me an idiot?!"

"But it's the truth."


The two were about to begin bickering again until something made Sakata stop talking and tense up. Urata was confused at the redhead's sudden quietness. He then noticed the redhead's tattoo had changed from the light pink to red.

Guess the demonic pest left already.

Sakata's face paled as he unconsciously heard a person's thought. Urata heard footsteps in the distance, along with some voices he couldn't really identify. Once the voices got closer and became distinguishable, he widened his eyes. Urata grabbed Sakata's hand and quickly entered the classroom nearby, shutting the door.

"Thought I heard that fucking pathetic wimp."
"Let's just go."

Urata decided to wait for the footsteps to fade away. He turned to look at the redhead in the meantime, Sakata was shaking a bit. Urata felt his heart break at the sight of a completely terrified Sakata. If Sakata was scared of the bullies in the beginning, knowing that they'd go so far as to kill him would make him petrified. Urata tried to think of a way to calm down the frozen redhead. He had a thought cross his mind but blushed. No fucking way am I doing that.

"Doing what?" Sakata said in a slightly shaking and quiet voice.

He was still scared, scared that they'd manage to hear him even if he spoke in barely above a whisper, but he still questioned the green eyed brunette's thought. Urata mentally facepalmed himself for forgetting about the redhead's ability.


Urata crossed his arms and looked away. After a few seconds have passed by, he made the mistake of looking back at the redhead. He saw that Sakata was still shaking, his red orbs shrunk back in fear. The green eyed brunette sighed and decided sucked up his pride for now. He wrapped his arms around the redhead, Sakata stiffened a bit before realizing that Urata was hugging him.


"Mention this to anyone and I will kill you."

Urata was for once glad that he was shorter so the redhead wouldn't have to see his embarrassed face. Urata then let go of the hug after a couple of seconds and quickly turned his face to look at the door. Sakata was slightly blushing as he stared at the brunette in confusion.

"I think we're good." Urata said as he eventually calmed down from his embarrassment.

He turned to face the redhead, but saw that Sakata was spacing out, a small red tint covered his face. Urata chuckled at the redhead's seemingly frozen state, but then slightly cursed at himself for doing something as embarrassing as that.

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