Chapter 20

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Soraru just groaned as he was walking, school had begun again and the raven-haired would very much rather be at home. He would stay at home, lay on his bed all day. But he couldn't, and so he just dragged his feet to the school. He was just glad that nothing bad seemed to happen for the rest of the summer break, let's just hope nothing happens at school. They had been able to avoid the stalker, thanks to Amatsuki's new ability.

Though the raven-haired was sure that Nqrse and Amatsuki would eventually use their abilities in school accidentally and it would raise suspicions. After all, it took him a few months to be able to control his. He just hoped that they don't slip up.

He noticed that the others were by the gate, Amatsuki was looking around until he spotted the raven-haired.

"Hey Soraru."


"Look who finally arrived~" Kashitaro teased as the raven-haired rolled his yes.

"Yeah, yeah, can we just get this day over with?"

Soraru just wanted to go home and fall back to sleep. They entered the school, the loud chatter in the hallways was slightly hurting the raven-haired's head. Amatsuki was talking with Mafu until he suddenly hid behind Luz. The guys were confused by the red eyed brunette's action, Soraru made a small glance to the side and saw the girl from the arcade walk by with some popular people, she looked completely normal.

"Wow she can really do a whole 180 on her personality."

Urata then turned to look at the red eyed brunette, he poked Amatsuki to let him know that it was okay now. The red eyed brunette stayed behind the taller male for a few more seconds before going back to standing next to the albino. The guys looked at him with an expression telling him to explain.

"A-Ah, I just saw someone and got scared." Amatsuki said as he nervously laughed.

"Who?" Kashitaro asked.

"A stalker." Soraru bluntly said, they should at least know that.

"Eh?!" Mafu shouted, some people in the hallway turned to look at him. The albino apologized to them before looking at the raven-haired in worry.

"Wait stalker?"

Kashitaro was disbelieved by the raven-haired's words. He knew that Amatsuki was popular, but to be popular enough to have a stalker, that surprised and worried him.

"Amatsuki has a crazy stalker, the girl from the arcade."

Soraru made a small gesture towards the direction the girl, that had walked past them, had gone.

"She did seem a bit weird when she just suddenly showed up." Senra said as he thought back on her previous actions.

"Wait, aren't we forgetting that she's in his class?!" Luz exclaimed in fear.

"Isn't that bad?" Sakata asked.

"What an idiot. Of course that's bad."

Urata smacked Sakata's head, the redhead yelped at the sudden pain. He rubbed his head, the others looked at Sakata in confusion at his sudden yelp. Amatsuki just laughed as Nqrse and Soraru rolled their eyes.

"Oi. Don't hurt him."

"Don't tell me you've gain a liking to this idiot. You really have terrible taste."

"Says the one that has a crush on him."

Urata was about to bark back but closed his mouth as he had nothing to retort. The brunette just blushed at the raven-haired's comment while Nqrse and Amatsuki chuckled. Soraru smirked slightly before going back to his serious expression. So what should we do?

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