Chapter 14

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The green eyed brunette was slowly opening his eyes as he lifted himself up with his arms. Urata grabbed his head in an attempt to calm his throbbing headache. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the light— well, there didn't seem to be any light at all.

He looked up to see that he was surrounded by darkness, it was void of light or color. What? Urata was confused about where he was but his confusion went away for a bit as he spotted the guys laying on the ground.

"E-Eh? A-Are you guys okay?!?" Urata shouted in worry, but received no reply.

Urata turned to face the redhead, that was laying on his side next to him.


Urata shook his shoulders, trying to get him to move even the slightest bit. He saw that the redhead seemed to stir a bit, which calmed him down for a bit. He's still alive, that's good enough. He continued to shake the redhead's shoulder until he would get up.





"Oi! Get up!"

It seemed like the redhead was still unconscious. Urata was growing worried with each passing minute. The short brunette looked around to see that the guys were beginning to move a bit.

Amatsuki sat up as he rubbed his head, he still felt a small headache. The red eyed brunette looked to see that Urata was still trying to get the redhead to wake up.

"Eh? Urata you're awake?"

"No I'm still unconscious. Of course I'm awake dumbass."

"Don't have to be rude about it." Amatsuki pouted before he walked to the short brunette's side.

"Sakata won't get up?"

"Nope. No matter how many times I've shaken his shoulders, he still is unconscious."

"Maybe wake him up with a kiss~?"

Urata smacked the red eyed brunette, who whined about the pain.

"Oi!" Urata glared at him, a small blush on his face.

"You guys are too loud." Nqrse said as he was getting up.

"Sorry." Amatsuki apologized as the pink haired male looked around.

"Where are we?" Nqrse asked, the red eyed brunette shrugged his shoulders.

The three males saw that the others were gaining consciousness one by one. The guys were all awake now, except for the redhead, which made Urata start to think of the worse case scenario.

"Is Sakata okay?" Senra asked in concern as the green eyed brunette continued to try to wake up the redhead.

"He's been unconscious for a while now." Kashitaro stated as the light haired male sighed.

"Well, he used his ability before all of this and using it in a large crowd already gives him headaches." Luz said as the albino added on.

"That's true, and the headache would be even more painful so he might be really tired."

"I guess that makes sense."

"I'm still wondering where exactly we are." Shima said as the guys looked around again.

"It's completely pitch black." Nqrse said.

"Are we even on a floor?" Amatsuki asked as he looked down at the ground.

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