Chapter 10

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It was the last day before summer break. The summer heat was beginning to fill the air as people were ready to stay in their cool air-conditioned rooms. It was lunch and the guys were all just sitting and talking with one another. They were thinking of plans to do over the break.

"So what are we going to do?" Luz asked as Shima shrugged.

"We could go to the amusement park."

"But how would the nine of us get there?" Kashitaro mentioned as Amatsuki put his hand under his chin in a thinking pose.

"Maybe we can rent a van."

"But none of us drive." Senra stated as Amatsuki immediately backed down from his idea.

"We can just ask Luz's parents to drive us there." Mafu said as the light haired male nodded.

"That's not a bad idea Mafu." The albino blushed at the praise from the male and played with the hem of his shirt.

"So we've decided to go to the amusement park?" Nqrse said as a way to make sure that the others agree.

"Yep." Sakata said as Mafu smiled.

"This is going to be fun~" Shima said as the others went back to joking around.

Soraru wasn't paying attention to the guys, he was just staring at the albino talking to the light haired male. He sighed as he rested his head on his hands, well at least Mafu seems to be smiling.

"But you're suffering."

The raven-haired glanced at the brunette who had muttered. Soraru sighed again, he knew that Urata was still against his idea.

"Oh well, doubt it would've worked if I did tell him. Mafu would've rejected me, he's head over heels for Luz."

"Well.....that's true but it wouldn't hurt to try."

"I'm fine, don't worry about it. My feelings will fade eventually."

Urata stayed silent after that and just stares at the raven-haired. Soraru looked away from his gaze only to see that Nqrse had sat down next to him.

"Hey you okay?"

The pink haired male asked as he looked at the raven-haired with concern. Soraru was surprised to see that he had noticed his mood was down. The raven-haired just smiled at the pink haired male's concern.

"I'm fine."

"I doubt that. You keep staring at Mafu and Luz."

Soraru was about to deny it but stopped himself. Why deny it when it's the truth?

"I'm just thinking about something."

"You like Mafu?"

Soraru tensed up at Nqrse's sudden question. Urata looked at the pink haired male in astonishment. The raven-haired sighed as he laughed to himself.

"You're pretty sharp, was it that obvious?" Soraru half jokingly said, he was a bit worried about Mafu or Luz finding out. That could make things go wrong.

"Not really, but I can tell since I kinda relate to how you feel."

"Eh? How?"

The raven-haired looked at the pink haired male in confusion. The pink haired male was silent for awhile until he noticed that Soraru made a gesture towards him as if saying to elaborate.

"Let's just say that I've been paying attention to someone but they seem to be infatuated with another person."

"So you have an unrequited love too." Soraru joked as Nqrse laughed.

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