"What year is it?" Sawyers voice is cold and the man gulps stepping back a little.

"Eighteen hundred forty three." The man squeals out, confusion crossing is wrinkly features. I feel Sawyer physically relax.

"Shit.." Sawyer grabs my hand and we walk away from the man.

"Are you going to explain what the hell is going on?" I question, confused.

"Thanks to you we've traveled to the past. Be happy we aren't in the future..."

"Nope. That's impossible. I hit my head running away from you and I'm just dreaming." I say out loud. Sawyer stops and twists me around to face him, both of his hands on each side of his arm.

"Opal, look around you. Welcome to the nineteen fucking hundreds..." He angrily shakes me.

I look around, his hold still strong on me. There are people walking in different clothes, some fancy dresses and others in dirty raggedy clothes. There are large buildings and tall machines, almost like they're building a new city. Horses everywhere and men selling news papers.

"That's impossible..." I tell him shaking my head.

"Right.." Sawyer scoffs, rolling his eyes. He walks ahead of me.

"Watch out miss!" Someone behind me shouts and I turn around, a man is riding a bike with a large front wheel and a tiny back wheel, and it's coming full speed at me. I scream falling to the side.

The man jumps off his bike rushing to my side.

"I'm sorry..." The man says, his kind smile draws me in.

"It's okay, should have watched where I was going." I smile.

"You've cut yourself..." he moves my leg to get a closer look at my knee and I see the gash of blood.

"I'll be fine." I tell him. Sawyer is by my side within seconds, pulling me off the ground.

"Lets go..." Sawyer rudely cuts in.

"What is that thing?" I ask the man, ignoring Sawyer.

"Where are my manners?" The man shakes his head. "I guess being in the presence of such a beautiful lady, like yourself makes you forget." His long messy brown hair covers his murky blue eyes and he extends his arm out to me. He looks around my age, a bit older. He's covered in dirt, but I shake his hand anyway.

He's an old man, I'm not from this era. I'm not even born...

"I'm Edric...." He smiles.


"You live under a rock?" He jokes and I nervously laugh. Nope, just in a different time... "It's a high wheeler." He points to the large bike, he looks at the bike as if it were his wife. I start walking toward the bike, but of course Sawyer pulls me back.

"Not a good idea..." Sawyer whispers to me. I roll my eyes.

"Can you please stop hovering over me. I'm fine. I'm not a little kid. Live a little." I push him away. Sawyer looks at me, but eventually steps back.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now