Chapter 33: The Final Stand

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"If you think the drop ship is going to keep the grounders out, you're wrong," Clarke insists.

"Then what else are we going to do?" Bellamy asks her.

I look down at the map and think. My thoughts buzz around like a tornado. Then an idea pops in my head. "Uh, Raven. You said we have enough hydrazine down there to make more bombs, right?"

Raven nods slowly, the pain in her face more noticeable than before. "Yeah but we don't have anymore fun powder. Thank you again, Murphy."

"I don't want to make a bomb," I say shaking my head. "I wanna blast off," Raven knits her eyebrows together. "Will it work?"

"Well, yeah it'll work but I'll need time," she says.

"We can hold them off for as long as you need," Bellamy replies while checking his clip for ammo.

"Good," Raven's eyes light up with determination. "Give me time and I'll cook them real good,"

"Okay, you heard her. Clarke and Finn, you stay to help her," I order, " Bellamy and I will lead the front gunners in holding off the grounders. They won't get through that gate," Everyone nods. "Good, it's time to make our final stand,"


I click my radio on, "Alright everyone, listen up. Keep your weapons hot. Don't shoot until they attack," I pause and take a deep breath, "have each other's backs out there. We started this together, and we're gonna end it that way too,"

I click the radio off.

"You think we can win this?" Jasper asks. I let out a small laugh, the first real laugh I've had in a long time. I shake my head.

"Not a chance— but we have to try, right?"

He nods then goes back to keeping a look out.

"Any movement on the south wall?" Bellamy's voices comes in on the radio.

Jasper answers, "Not yet, what're they waiting for?"

"It doesn't matter. The longer they take, the more time it gives Raven," Bellamy replies back.

"I think I see something," Harper whispers from my right. I look out to where she's looking and see a figure run through the trees.

A gun shot comes from the west side of camp and that's when the commotion starts over the radios. "They're coming! There's too many of them!" More gun fire sounds through the night air.

Harper takes a shot when she spots something again. "It's like hitting a ghost," she says.

I watch another shadow of a man pass by. I pull the trigger and the gun forces back into my shoulder.

I go to shoot again but Jasper stops me. "Wait!" He turns the radio on, "Hold your fire! Hold your fire! They're not attacking because they want us to waste our bullets!"

"Jasper's right, don't fire unless you're sure it's an attack," Bellamy informs us.

I glance at jasper and give him a short nod to which he returns with a nod as well.

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