Chapter 32: No Way Out

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Clarke orders us to hold Raven still. She presses the hot knife against Ravens wound to stop the bleeding.

"How the hell did Murphy even get a gun?" Finn asks as Raven screams in pain.

Bellamy and I share a quick glance. Raven sobers up and speaks, "Just be glad he didn't shoot the fuel tank, or else we'd all be dead,"

"Wait, there's fuel down there?" Clarke asks. "Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build a hundred bombs,"

"Too bad we don't have anymore gun powder," I point out.

Bellamy flips through the pages of Lincoln's journal he got from Finn. Apparently him and Clarke got away from the grounders with Lincoln's help. He stops on a particular page of a drawing of a mans face. It was deformed and quite terrifying.

"So these reapers," Bellamy starts, "you think they could help us?"

Clarke shakes her head, "Trust me, you don't want to meet these people, if that's even what they are."

"We're running out of time," Finn looks down at Raven, then up at Clarke. "Can she walk or not?"

Raven tries to sit up. "I'm fine, I can walk- "

"Raven, if you move it could make the damage worse," I say pushing her back down.

"Elara's right. We'll have to carry you," Clarke says.

Finn nods, "I'll grab a stretcher,"

"So, what? We're just going to run away?"

I look at Bellamy.

"There's no point in staying when we know we can't win this fight," Finn spits back.

"Spoken like a true coward,"

"It's not being a coward, it's being smart,"

Bellamy and Finn step closer to each other, tension rising.

"Guys," I warn them. "We don't have time for this,"

Finn rubs his face. "If he wants to stay, let him," he says before storming out of the drop ship.

I turn to Bellamy. "Staying and fighting is what I wanted to do, Bellamy. But they're right. We can't fight a war we know we'll lose. If you're worried about those kids out there not following, don't. They listen to you,"

"They listen to you more," he mumbles.

"Bellamy, remember what I said about you being the reason most of us are still alive? Remember what I said about you being a hero because of that? I already believe in you, it's time you show the others that they can too,"


"Gunners, stay sharp!"

The gate opens with ease and together, what's left of the hundred, we make our way out of camp.

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