Chapter 6: Who's The Most Caring

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I look over at Rory and notice that his wrist band was off. "When did you take that off?" I ask.

He rubs his wrist and shrugs. I glance over at Bellamy and Murphy. Their wrist bands were gone as well.

"Rory, your mothers up there. Do you not want her to come down? Do you not want see her again?" I keep my voice low for only him to hear. He shrugs again and I roll my eyes. "Whatever," I say and walk over with Wells who trailed next to Bellamy.

"She doesn't see you," Bellamy says to Wells.

"Hey, what the hell is your deal with taking off everyone's wrist bands?" I ask Bellamy. I walk between him and Wells annoyed.

"Elara, right?" Bellamy has a sly smirk playing at his lips which only pisses me off more.

"The Ark sucked, I get it. But some of us have families up there who we actually want to see again."

He doesn't say anything.

"Not us, so why don't you get lost." I look at Murphy who wears a very bored expression on his face.

"You know something, Murphy? One of these days you're gonna be in your death bed and no ones gonna want to save you," I glare at him.

"Oh please,"

"It's because you're nothing. No one cares about you,"

Bellamy sighs, "Okay, that's enough."

Murphy stops and grabs my wrist tightly. I let out a small whimper and meet his dark eyes. "The hell do you know? I heard your parents were so ashamed of their daughter that they practically begged to be floated. So don't talk to me about who doesn't care, because clearly no one has or ever could care about you,"

Bellamy yanks Murphy away, "I said that was enough, both of you."

I rub my wrist knowing that a bruise would definitely begin to form there soon.

"Guys, over here!" Clarke calls from up ahead. We rush over to her and Finn's side.

I let out a breath, "Jasper,"

He was strung up in a tree like bait for an animal. His skin was sickly and pale. Jasper lets out a moan and we rush over to the tree he was in.

The ground gives out from under me and a yelp escapes my lips.

"Elara!" Rory's hand wraps around my wrist. I look down to find myself in a hole where sticks carved into spikes stuck out at the bottom.

"Pull me up, pull me up!" I say looking back at Rory. Bellamy runs to his side along with Wells and Clarke. They help Rory pull me up. I lay on the ground and catch my breath.

"You good?" Bellamy asks. He reaches a hand out which I gladly take. He lifts me to my feet.


Clarke calls out to us, "What is that?"

"It looks like they used something to stop the bleeding," Wells says.

"Finn, Murphy, cut him down from there," Bellamy orders.

"I'll help." Rory tags along with them, holding a knife tightly in his hand.

I hear a rustle in the bushes which catches my attention. Clarke and Wells try to brain storm ideas of what is on jaspers wound. Bellamy puts a hand on my shoulder.

"There's something out there," I tell him. He looks around and reaches for his gun.

"Guys, you might wanna hurry it up." Bellamy raises his gun. Wells puts a protective arm in front of Clarke as our attention focuses on the black figure that watches us, stalking us from afar.

"Damnit," I hear Murphy struggle. He dropped his knife. I quickly pick it up and toss it up to him. "Smart," he sarcastically says, catching the knife by the blade.

I send him a glare.

"Bellamy, look out!" I turn to Clarke who points at the bushes. Without warning, a big animal makes its presence known and leaps on Bellamy, clawing at him, trying to kill him.

I grab a large branch that was broken off from the tree Jasper was in. I swing it and a loud crack echos in the air along with a whimper. The animal falls off Bellamy. He quickly scrambles to his feet.

"Where'd it go?"

We look around us, panic setting in. Bellamy reaches for his gun again but it is no longer there.

"Elara!" Someone yells.

I look over my shoulder to see the black fur of this vicious creature. Loud gun shots ring through the air and before the animal can land on me, it falls to the ground, limp.

I look up at Wells who holds Bellamy's gun.

I give him a nod of thanks and he nods back.

"He's down!" Rory calls to us.

"Thank god," I breathe.


"They're back!"

We make it back to the drop ship, Jasper still clinging to his life. I call over some people to help us get Jasper inside.

"Who's hungry?" Bellamy asks while dropping the dead panther on the ground. After we got Jasper down, Bellamy and Murphy tied up the animal figuring we could eat this since we never made it to Mt. Weather.

I watch as Clarke, Wells and Finn get Jasper into the drop ship. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and let my hands rest on my hips.

"Rory, mind getting this thing gutted and thrown over a fire?" Rory nods to Bellamy. Him and a few other delinquents lift the panther and walk off to prep dinner.

A silence looms over Bellamy and I. He clears his throat then speaks, "Thanks. . ."

"For what?" I look over at him, my eyebrows knitting together.

"Helping me out back there,"

I nod.

"I'm gonna go see Octavia," Bellamy gives me a curt nod and walks into the drop ship.

I stand alone, the darkness of the night giving me the odd feeling that we were being watched. I shiver a bit and wrap my arms around myself. It's strange how the days can be so hot but the nights can get so cold. Earth was definitely a mysterious place.

And it was only going to get scarier.

[A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you're all enjoying the book so far! Just wanted to pop in and say that from this point on things are going to be different compared to the show. Things won't all be the same. With that said, don't forget to vote and comment!


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