-Part 1-

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Survival makes a monster of us all.

The things each and every single one of us were willing to do to survive will haunt us for the rest of our lives.

Down here...on the ground,

its kill or be killed.

A tear rolls down my cheek. The warm blood that soaked my hands reminded me that the choices we make now, they all have consequences. The dirt beneath me had been planted with the seeds of our sins. Tainting this beautiful, perilous planet.

We should have never come here.

The scrap metal in my hand was heavier now than it had been when I picked it up earlier. I could feel my legs cramping from sitting on my knees for so long, but that was the least of my worries now. Every breath I took was uneven.

Should I even be breathing at all? After everything I've done?

His body was damp from the rain. Red seemed to paint the front of his face like a canvas. The paint brush which rested in my right hand slipped from my grip. It fell onto the wet soil.

What have I done?

What you had to.

Down here, you kill or you get killed. That's how the game's played.

Game of Survival (The 100 Fanfic) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now