Chapter 16: The Search For Octavia Blake Pt. 2 [MIDSEASON FINALE]

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We follow Finns trail for hours. The sun was officially high in the sky- still no Octavia.

I watch as Finn shakes his head and says, "We lost it, we lost the trail. It's gone."

Bellamy turns to him. "Well find it," he orders.

We start walking again when a girl named Roma questions, "Hey, guys? Where's Jon?"

We look around behind us, confused.

"He was just here a second ago," Jasper states.

There's a few cracks of branches and Jon's body hits the ground before with a thud. Roma lets out a scream while the rest of us jump back in shock.

Jon's throat was slashed cleanly. The blood oozed out like water from a faucet. I had to keep my a hand over my mouth to stop the bile from coming out.

Jasper looks up and whispers to Bellamy, "The trees, they're using the trees."

I peer up into the thickness of green leaves. My adrenaline spikes and my heart rate quickens.

"We should go back," Roma states.

Bellamy shakes his head. "No. My sister, my responsibility,"

"He's right. We've already come this far," I mention.

"Guys," Jasper whispers. He taps my arm lightly and points straight ahead of us. A figure stands within the trees, wearing a mask and dark clothing. It holds a sword in one hand- gripping it tightly.

Another figure edges it's way out from behind a near by tree behind us. Then a third one comes from the left, and a fourth to the right.

My breath catches in my throat, "They're surrounding us,"

"We should've never crossed that boundary," a boy, who's name I didn't catch, states with fear.

Finn turns to Bellamy. "Run,"

Without wasting a second, we take off sprinting  further into the unknown dangers that lurk around us.

I don't look back. I refuse to. My lungs start to burn but I ignore it. A thin layer of sweat begins to creep onto my forehead. I shift my eyes to the side and see a tall man running beside us in the distance.

Keeping my breath steady, I push myself to move faster. The ground beneath me begins to blur and my adrenaline pumps more viciously throughout my veins.

"Keep up!" Finn calls to us.

Jasper pushes my back a little, "Hurry!"

At this point, every muscle in my body screamed for me to stop. It pained me to keep going, but I had to.

We zigzag through the forest, getting cut off every way we run by the grounders.

"What do we do, they won't stop!"

"Just keep running!" Finn's voice was heavy from the sprinting but he keeps going.

Game of Survival (The 100 Fanfic) [BOOK 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz