Chapter 23: Fun Before Death

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The day goes by rather slowly for a change. Everyone crowds around each other drinking and playing games. I notice a very aggravated Raven standing by the monitor where live footage of the ark had been playing all day.

When I reach Raven I take quick note of the static that now plays on the screen. I lift an eyebrow. "What happened?"

Raven huffs, "Comms cut out and we lost signal. I'm trying to get it back but- "

"I understand,"

"Why won't this stupid thing work!" She hits the monitor and grunts.

I try to take her mind off of it and hand her a drink. "It's Monty's recipe. Strong enough to kill any bitterness you're experiencing,"

Raven waves me off and I watch as she walks back to her and Finns tent.

"More for me," I mumble taking a sip.

"Havin' fun, love?" Rory bumps elbows with me, smiling brightly. He, too, holds a cup with Monty's moonshine in his hand.

I raise my cup with a slight chuckle.

"Shouldn't we, oh I don't know, be worried that the grounders might attack again?" Rory's face softens a little as he looks out into the night sky.

I shrug a shoulder. "Let them come. I think everyone at this point is too drunk to even care,"

"Point taken,"

"Do you remember, on the Ark, when Jeffery Bent and Alice Richards stole moonshine from your parents? Man, we all got wasted that night," I snicker at the memory.

Rory looks down at his shows with the trace of a smile playing at his lips. "Yeah I remember," he states, "We walked around Tesla Station for hours, avoiding guards when it was past curfew."

I take another quick sip of my drink which burns the back of my throat.

"I wonder what Alice and Jeffery are doing right now. . ." I trail off and kick the dirt beneath my feet, creating a small dust cloud.

"Yeah, me too,"

A silence comes over us and my heart squeezes. How is it possible to miss a home you never really had?

Before my parents died, my home was really just a place where I slept. Most of the time either I was out or my parents were out. It wasn't like the nice living situations I've come to read about in books. But the Ark was were I had grown up, so of course I missed it.

Rory tenses up and I look over at him.

"I have to go," he says. "I'll see you in the morning." With one last smile, Rory takes off through camp.

I look forward at the front gate and notice the curly haired boy standing alone, gun strapped at his side.

Like gravity pulling something to the ground, my feet guide me to Bellamy's side.

He glances down at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the thickness of the woods.

"Having fun?" He asks.

"Are you?"

Bellamy smirks and turns to face me. "I'll have my fun when the grounders get here,"

I look out ahead of us for a moment and smile. "Bellamy, go get a drink. After getting pardoned this morning, you deserve one."

He laughs.


"You," Bellamy says poking my shoulder, "have been so worried about everyone here from the moment we reached the ground. I think you're the one who deserves to have a few drinks,"

A smile creeps to my face and I look down, hopefully hiding the blush that has started to flush my cheeks.

"Go on, enjoy yourself. We only have a few more days until the first drop ship comes down from the Ark," Bellamy places a hand on my shoulder and gives it a quick squeeze.

I narrows my eyes at him playfully. "Alright, fine. But promise me you'll get at least one drink with me later."

He rolls his eyes and huffs our a breath of air.

"Promise me, Bellamy Blake,"

"Fine, I promise."


"You cheater! I saw that!" My voice comes out high and giggly as I hit Sterling on the shoulder. He holds his arms up in defense denying any act of cheating.

"Elara," Clarke and Finn step in front of me, blocking the game of cup pong I was playing. "A word?"

I look at Fox and Sterling, mouthing them a quick sorry before following Clarke and Finn. We walk somewhere more private and that's when Finn drops the bombshell.

"I got us a meeting with the grounders," he says.

"You did what?"

Clarke hushes my loud voice.

"Just hear us out, Elara," Clarke pleads with me.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and gesture for them to continue.

They share a quick look before Finn speaks. "The grounder we had here, I spoke with him. It's a long story, but I convinced him to set us up a meeting with whoever is in charge,"

"You can't be serious,"

"He is, Elara, I think we should do it."

"Clarke, are you even hearing yourself right now? They have been killing us off ever since we got here and now you want us to what? Sit down with them? Have a nice chat? Do you really expect me to share a cup of tea with grounder enemy number one?"

"Elara, please. The only way to stop all of this fighting and killing is to try and talk with them," Finn does share a good point.

But how can you convince a bunch of murders to spare their prey?

"I don't think this is the best plan, you guys," I tell them honestly.

Clarke nods, "This could be the only chance we get at peace."

I run a hand through my greasy hair, thinking about their proposal. Finally, I let out a breath of defeat and nod.

"Okay. But only if we bring back up- "

"No," Finn says abruptly, "no back up, Elara. We made a promise to Lincoln- "

Now it was my turn to cut him off, "Lincoln?"

He ignores my curiosity and continues to speak, "There's to be no weapons at this meeting. He said to bring you and only you with us,"

My inner voice fights me, begging me not to go to this meeting, telling me it could very well only lead to our deaths.

But unfortunately, I agree.

"Fine. Let's do this,"

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