Chapter 18: The Cure

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The rain pounds hard against the drop ship. The storm was at its max. But just as a bolt of lightning strikes, Bellamy comes through the front of the drop ship, his clothes dripping.

"Bellamy, where were you?" Octavia asks.

He doesn't look at her.

"Bellamy?" I question, walking to them. Just then, Rory and Miller walk in. They weren't alone. Together, the two of them held a blindfolded grounder- the same grounder who stabbed Finn and kidnapped Octavia. "The hell is this?" I ask.

"It's time we got some answers," Bellamy states.

Octavia's voice comes out tight and annoyed, "No, you mean revenge."

I step forward. My face contorted at the sight of the grounder. He was on his knees, hands tied together. I look up at Bellamy. "Are you serious right now? We have bigger issues a to worry about. Finn is dying over there,"

Bellamy's eyes shift to Finn then back to mine. Without a word, he brushes past me, motioning for Rory and Miller to bring the grounder up to the next level of the drop ship.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. Raven gets back in contact with the Ark and Clarke continues with Abby's instructions.

I climb the ladder, following Rory.

When we get up, I grab Rory by the arm. "Are you delusional?" I ask.

He shakes his arm free. "Bellamy's right, like it or not. The grounders killed several of our people. It's our right to learn why,"

"By torturing him?"

Rory doesn't say anything.

I bite my lip and gaze up at him. "I don't like this,"

"No one does," he states. "But we do what we have to do to survive."

"Rory, help us chain him up," Bellamy orders.

Rory looks back at him and nods, then he turns to me again. "Life isn't about living anymore, it's about surviving."


"How is he?" I ask Clarke. She lifts her head to meet my eyes.

"I don't get it, his fever should've gone down by now." She rubs the sweat from her forehead off on her sleeve.

Raven mumbles softly to herself trying to adjust the radios signal, not paying attention to anyone.

I wrap a comforting arm around Clarke, "He's gonna be alright." She turns and wraps her arms around me in a hug.

Our hug is cut short when Finn starts convoluting.

"Finn?" My eyes widen in shock.

"He's seizing, Raven get my mom on call!" Clarke shouts. "Hold him down, Elara!"

I grab his arms and shove them against the metal table. "Clarke, what's going on?" I ask.

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