Chapter 3: We Six Delinquents

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We walk for what feels like hours. Trailing slowly behind one another.

"Is it hot out here or is it just you?" Jasper says to Octavia. She rolls her eyes and walks ahead with Clarke. I chuckle and shake my head.

"You have absolutely no game," his friend Monty snickers. Jasper shoved him only to be greeted with a shove back.

"Come on guys keep up," Clarke glances back at us.

"How are you blocking all of this out, Clarke?" Finn asks her, gesturing around him.

She pauses to look back at him. "Well it's simple really, I wonder; how have we not seen any animals yet? None. What if we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us?" There's a beat, "sure is pretty though, come on."

I share a look with Finn but we follow her anyway.

"You know what I don't get?" I say. "Why now? Why send us to the ground now?"

Octavia shrugs, "I don't know, I don't care. This morning I woke up rotting in a cell and now I'm spinning in a forest,"

"Yeah it doesn't add up." Finn steps over a log, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"The Arks dying."

Clarke spoke so nonchalantly that you could've missed what she said or brushed it off like it was nothing. I stop and face her, Jasper almost bumping into me.


Clarke sighs and faces us. "The Ark is. . .it's running out of air. My father was the lead engineer on the case,"

"Well can't they just fix it?" Finn asks.

Clarke looks down. "No, not this time. Apparently the problem was too severe. My father wanted to warn people but he. . ."

"And that's why you were locked up, you wanted to help him." Finn finishes for her. She nods. "We have to tell people,"

"That's my father wanted to do,"

Octavia shakes her head, "No. After what they did to me I say float them all." Revenge and anger takes over Octavia's face and she runs further ahead of us, Jasper chasing after her.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and keep walking.

"Guys look!" Octavia crouches down pointing to something.

We quietly kneel beside her to see what she was pointing at.

A deer.

I've only ever read about these kinds of animals. They were very common out here in the woods. Herbivores- they only ate plants.

"And you said there weren't any animals," Finn nudges Clarke, smiling.

I take a step closer to get a better look when I step on a twig and it snaps.

The deers head shoots up and turns in our direction. The sight catches us all off guard. It's head wasn't just a head, it was two. The other was deformed and hairless. It was like something out of a science fiction film.

I step back almost falling over as we watch the deer hightail it out of there. Finn looks down with a sick expression on his face.

"We should keep moving," I say.

Everyone nods and we silently stand, continuing out trek to Mt. Weather.

"So," I begin looking at Monty and Jasper, "you guys don't strike me as the type to get arrested, what'd you do?"

They both smirk at each other. "There's some herbs in the garden that can be smoked," Jasper shrugs.

"Wow, what rebels." I laugh acting astounded.

They laugh along with me until jasper asks, "What did you do?"

I run a hand through my hair, "The guard likes to hide things, I just like to figure out what."

"So we got a thief on our hands," Jasper laughs.

I shrug with confidence. "I'm good at it too,"

"Finn wasted a months worth of oxygen on an illegal space walk," Monty says.

"Oh yeah I heard about that, Finn." I say to him.

He laughs and looks down.

"What about you Octavia? What did you get locked up for?" Jasper asks. We all look over at her.

Her face falls into a scold. "Being born." She spits back and hurries off past everyone.

"You really suck with the ladies, man." Monty says with a snort. Jasper hits him but Monty hits him back then the two start hitting each other like a couple of children.

I roll my eyes at them and keep walking, Finn and Clarke falling behind back to talk.

I study my surroundings better. The green moss that covered the trees and the rocks around us gave off a calming vibe. When I first stepped off the drop ship, my lungs were filled with the light air around us. It was cold at first but as the day went on it got warmer.

Never in a million years did I think I would get to feel the sun on my face. Even feel the cool breeze against my cheeks causing goosebumps to cascade over my pale skin.

These feelings brought a sense of hope out in me. I felt like I could do anything, be anything.

"Octavia what are you doing?" Clarke's voice breaks me from my thoughts and I look over. Octavia stood on a few rocks and smiled while looking back at us. She turns back and begins to take off her pants, shocking us all.

"Octavia what are- " And before Monty has the chance finish, Octavia took a leap and just like that she was gone. There was a splash of water causing us to run after her.

When we reach the rocks where her clothes were, our eyes quickly dart to the small lake before us.

"Octavia what are you doing we can't swim," Jasper yells down to her. Her head pops more out of the water.

"No, but we can stand." She laughs standing up all of the way to where the water only hits her at her hips.

We all let out a laugh except for Clarke who stares at the water in confusion.

"There isn't suppose to be a lake here." She says looking at Finn.

"Well there is, so take off your damn clothes,"

We all laugh and start to undress when jaspers voice stops us. "Octavia. . .Octavia get out of the water! Get out of the water now!"

Octavia turns around and without warning she's pulled under water.


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