Chapter 15: The Search For Octavia Blake Pt. 1

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The core main group, except for Bellamy, settles inside the drop ship to discuss a new way to contact the Ark.

"There's no way to reach them. The transmission is shattered all thanks to Bellamy," Raven states with a huff.

"Raven," Clarke's eyes widen with hope. She sticks a finger in the air and claims, "I just might know where to find one,"

Raven stands from her seat, pacing over to Clarke. "Well yeah that's great, but where?"

Clarke and Finn share a knowing look as they both state together, "Art supply store."


Before Clarke, Raven and Finn can leave, a problem occurs.

Bellamy catches me just as I'm leaving the drop ship. He wears a worried look on his face which peaks my interest as to what's wrong.

"Elara," he stops me.

"Bellamy, what's up?"

"Have you seen Octavia?" He looks at me desperately.

I shake my head no. "I'm sure Octavia's fine. She's probably just flirting with some boy or chasing butterflies somewhere,"

"I looked everywhere. She's not at camp," he tells me.

Worry washes through my body and I nod. "I'll help you look for her,"

He smiles gratefully.

"I'll check the tents one last time, you look in the drop ship, then we'll circle back and meet up here," I tell him.

We part ways and I begin my search. But with no luck, Octavia isn't in any of the tents.

"Find her?" Bellamy asks once we're together again. I shake my head. "We need to get a search party. Gather everyone you can,"

I follow his order and find a group willing to go out at this time of night in search for the dark haired girl.

"Octavia's missing?" Jasper's voice breaks a little.

I place a hand on his shoulder and pass him a smile. "We'll find her,"

Finn turns to Clarke and Raven. "I need to do this. You two go on without me,"

Raven is reluctant at first but after receiving a tension filled kiss from her boyfriend, she agrees. "Be safe," she tells him.

I glance at Clarke, giving her a look; asking if she'll be alright. She's nods, waving me off.

"We gotta go, the search party's leaving,"

Finn kisses Raven one last time before bidding a goodbye to both of the girls. From there, we catch up to the rest of the party.


I walk quietly next to Finn, Jasper walking further ahead with Bellamy.

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