Chatper 7: Questioning The Right Call

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Another ear piercing groan echoes through the chill, night air. I watch as other cover their ears and roll over onto their sides, trying to drown out the deafening cries of Jasper's pained self.

"Would someone just shut him up already?"

Other delinquents murmur amongst themselves about wanting jasper to be quiet.

Do they not realize that he was literally attacked? A spear was thrown through his chest for crying out loud, and this is how they act?

"If someone doesn't shut this guy up, I'm going to shut him up myself," Someone says.

"Alright that's it," Murphy gets up from where he was laying and walks over to the ladder.

There's a commotion between him and Monty, and that's when I sit up. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust in the darkness of the drop ship but once they do, I make my way over to Murphy.

"Murphy, chill the hell out." I shove him away from the ladder.

"He's been doing that for hours now," He replies sharply. "If you can't already tell, your guy is dead. There's no way he's gonna make it. You must be either stupid or dumb to not realize- "

"That doesn't even make sense," I throwback.

"Hey, whoa, what's going on here?" Bellamy stops the childish fight between Murphy and I.

"This kid is annoying the shit out of everyone. We should just put him out of his misery." Murphy wipes his nose with the back of his hand, glaring up at the closed hatch.

"I'll put you out of your misery," I grumble.

Bellamy gives me a stern look then turns back to Murphy. "As much as I agree, I gave them 24 hours to figure something out. If Jasper doesn't get better by then. . ." Bellamy trails off for a second and looks over at me, "Then I'll end it myself."

I stare at him with hurt and shock written across my face. Shaking my head, I walk past him and through the doors of the drop ship.

The cold hits my skin cause goosebumps to cover my arms.

"Elara," Bellamy calls after me but I keep walking. "Elara," he tries again, but when I don't respond he grabs my elbow and spins me around to face him. "Elara- "

"Don't touch me." I hiss. The tension between us is heavy. I glare daggers at him and speak, "Jasper is my friend. You can't just go and kill him!"

"Come on, Elara. You know it's the right call,"

"You're completely psychotic, aren't you? What? Just because we're on the ground now means we can't have a heart? Emotions? I'm not gonna let you kill Jasper when there's a chance he could pull through!" I yell at him.

"Chance to pull through? Are you even thinking? He was speared in the chest!" Bellamys eyes fill with annoyance as he shouts back.

"Yeah! I was there!"

Bellamy presses his lips into a tight line. I scratch a spot under my lower lip and look passed him.

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