Chapter 27: How Many Delinquents Does It Take To Blow Up A Bridge?

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I crouch down in front of Murphy. "You need to tell us everything that happened when the grounders had you,"

"I already told you," he coughs, "they tortured me, kept me locked in a cage like an animal."

Bellamy steps forward, speaking, "What did you tell them when they tortured you?"

Murphy meets Bellamy eyes and without hesitation he says, "Everything,"

"Everything?" I ask. "What do you mean 'everything'?

"Let's just say I didn't leave out a single detail-"

Bellamy grabs Murphy by the throat, slamming him against the wall. "You son of a bitch!"

"Bellamy!" I push him off. "We got what we wanted. Now it's time to make a plan, okay?" Bellamy keeps his eyes on Murphy, panting angrily. "Hey," I say trying to get his attention. "We don't have time for this,"

Bellamy's eyes finally find mine and he calms. I nod my head and he does the same. "Okay?"

"Okay," he answers.


"If the grounders know where our camp is then we're screwed. We have no defense system against them besides a few guns," Raven says.

Clarke nods. "I agree with Raven. We may guns but the grounders have numbers. We don't stand a chance,"

"So what do we do?"

I ponder for a moment, thinking of ideas. Then one strikes me. "Raven, you said hydrazine is explosive right?"

"Yeah, but what would we even use it for?" She asks.

"The grounders most likely won't cross through the river. I mean why would they when there's an enormous snake living in it?" I explain, glancing at Octavia and recalling the time she almost died when we first went looking for Mount Weather.  "So the only other way for the grounders to get here- "

"Would be the bridge," Monty finishes.

I snap my fingers, "Exactly,"

"You want to blow up a hundred year old bridge that has withstood nuclear fallout and harsh weather conditions?" Bellamy isn't buying it.

"It's not gonna be able to withstand me," Raven claims, getting straight to work. 

"Okay. It's settled then, we blow up the bridge. Just tell us what you need, Raven and we'll get it."


"Clarke?" I walk into the drop ship to find Clarke tending to the several delinquents who were ill.

She stands up and meets me at the entrance. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah. Raven said she needs a tin can. Do we happen to have any laying around?"

Clarke looks around for a moment, going through a few containers until she finds one. "Here you go," After she hands it to me, she quickly covers her mouth and lets out a loud cough.

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