Chapter 25: Surprise Rescue

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"It's nice to meet you," I say politely. Anyas expression doesn't change. Her eyes are cold and unamused. When she doesn't respond, I speak up once more, "I want to talk to you about creating an alliance for peace. I've noticed that we haven't gotten off on the right foot and I would like to change- "

She cuts me off. "You and your people came down here and murdered an entire village, and you try to negotiate for peace?"

Her words catch me off guard and I shake my head, "What do you mean we murdered a whole village? The only people we've encountered down here were your men who slaughtered several of my people without question,"

"A whole villages burned to the ground because of your missiles," Anya states, holding her ground.

"Missiles? You mean the flares?" Realization strikes me, "Look, we, in no means, meant for that to happen. Those flares were a signal for our people in space. We were trying to tell them that it's safe to come down,"

Anya narrows her eyes, not buying a thing I say.

I let out a sigh wishing I could restart this whole meeting. "The people we are trying to reach are coming down here soon. Soldiers, with guns and other weapons that will beat your swords and spears any day,"

Anyas face changes for only a short moment. An emotion I can't read goes as quick as it came.

"If they get down here to find that we are at war. . .they will fight back," I say pointedly. "But if you and I can make a deal, I assure you, my people will come in peace. There aren't just soldiers who are coming down. We have doctors and farms and mechanics- people who can help both of our groups," I wait for a response. "Please,"

"Why should I put the trust of my people in your hands?" She gestures to the men and women behind her. "You know what I think, Elara? I think you started a war in which you do not know how to end," I look down.

She's not budging.

This isn't working.

It's backfiring.

"We're done here," I look back up at Anya. My eyes watch pleadingly as she starts to turn away.

Then, a voice calls out.

"Elara! It's a trap!"

I snap my head in the direction of Jasper's voice. I watch as he opens fire into the trees, Bellamy, Raven and Rory by his side.

There's a string of gun fire from our side. Several of Anyas people fall. As she shouts orders, arrows and spears rain past us. Lincoln shouts for me to duck just as Anya wipes out a knife and slashed my arm with it.

The pain is something unsettling, almost like a paper cut but bigger, right across my left arm. She raises her arm, ready to finish me off when a bullet to her side stops her.

I look over my shoulder. My eyes lock with Bellamy's and he nods. I nod back then make a run for it as Anyas people run across the bridge.

Lincoln grabs my wrist, "Get everyone back to your camp, I'll deal with them."

He takes off just as we run back through the thick forest.

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