Chapter 14: What Shatters

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Raven lets out a sigh as she stares down at the dripping, wet radio.

"This is-"

"Useless," Raven cuts Monty off.

"Well can't you guys just like, dry it out?" Jasper asks.

After one of Bellamy's goons found the radio, we took it back to camp for Raven and Monty to inspect. Unfortunately though, as we stand around the table in a makeshift hut, Raven informs us that this radio will not be in use by the time of the culling.

Bellamy stands in the back quietly. I haven't been this mad at him in the time that we've been here. I keep my eyes trained on him, glowering.

"There's Nothing we can do. The council is going to suck the air out in section 17, and there's nothing we can do to stop them." Raven abruptly stands up and walks out of the hut.

"Fantastic," I say under my breath.

"So what now?" Jasper questions biting his nails.

"Well, now we should try coming up with a new idea to reach the Ark," Monty informs his friend.

"Then lets get brain storming, we don't have much time." I walk out of the hut to find Raven.

As I walk through camp, Rory jogs up to me. "Who's the new girl?" He asks. "She's a feisty one,"

"Yeah no kidding," I chuckle. "Speaking of her, you know where's she's at?"

"I think I saw her in the drop ship."

I thank Rory and head off in search of our new companion.

"Raven?" I ask entering the drop ship.

Raven comes into view and walks over to me. "Yeah?"

"Can we talk?"

She's nods slowly, "Sure, what's up?"

I try to search my mind for the right words as I sit her down on some boxes. "You said there wasn't another way to get the radio working again. But I'm not taking that as an answer. You came all the way here in a rocket you basically built. There's gotta be something we can do. You've gotta have some idea," I plead with her.

Raven thinks for a moment before her eyes widen. "Wait. There is something!" She stands up and claps her hands together. I stand up as well and raise a curious eyebrow at her. "Rocket. I can makeshift the rockets engines into almost like mini rockets. If we can't contact the Ark to let them know we're alive, maybe we can show them instead."

"Raven you're a genius!" I squeal with excitement.

She smiles back and says, "I'm going to need a few things first,"


"So what exactly is this girl Raven looking for?" Rory asks me.

We sift through some scraps that came off of the drop ship durning our landing. I rummage around in a box, inspecting every piece I find.

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