Chapter 5: Die Or Try

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"We can't just leave him!" I yell at Finn.

"We have to, Elara! Come on!"

Finn grabs my wrist pulling me along with him. We run back the way we came jumping over fallen tree logs and pushing our way through bushes.

"Monty, keep up!" Octavia yells back.

I stop to look back behind us. I see a figure pull back behind a tree. My adrenaline kicks in more and I keep running.

I hear a thud and look over to find Monty laying face first on the ground. As he starts to get up, the realization hits him when he sees what's in front of his face.

"What. . .is that?" My voice was uneven from the amount of running.

A loud scream echos through the forest.

"We need to get out of here,"

"But Jasper- "

Finn cuts off Clarke, "We'll go back for him. Just not now."

She nods reluctantly.

"We gotta go," Octavia whispers pointing to the trees. I look up and see someone sitting there, watching us.

"Go, go. Run!" I push Monty forward and we all start running again.

We run until our lungs burn. We push our feet to keep moving until we reach the outskirts of the drop ship camp. The sun was peeking through the trees, lighting the camp.

"Octavia!" We hear a voice call. Bellamy and a few others rush over to us. "O, are you alright?" He studies her injured leg then looks to us. He notices our empty hands and frowns. "Where's the food?"

I catch my breath and run a hand through my hair. "We didn't make it,"

"What? Why not?"

"We were attacked," Clarke says as we follow bellamy who sits Octavia down so he can look at her leg.

"By what?" He asks.

"Not what. . .who,"

Bellamy stands and looks at Finn. "Where's the kid with the goggles?"

I bite my lip remembering the blood that soaked jaspers shirt.

"They took him," Clarke sighs with frustration. "We need to go after him. He's still alive," she start to walk away but Finn stops her. "Look, there's still time."

Finn shakes his head. "No, no way. It's gonna be dark soon,"

Clarke and I start to fight with Finn about letting us go but he raises his hand quieting us. "Right now we need to rest. It's been a long couple of days. Wait until morning. We'll discuss this more in the morning,"

"Whatever," I sharply say before shoving my way past him.

I walk out to where most of the delinquents were- talking, goofing around, fighting. I shake my head and run a hand over my face. I take a seat and pull my blonde hair back into a pony tail.

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