Chapter 30: Negotiating With The Devil

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My breathing was short and jagged.

Should I even be breathing at all?

Red painted Rory's face along with my hands. Mud covered our clothes and rain soaked our hair.

Only, it wasn't the both of us anymore.

It was just me.

The sun had finally set beneath the trees. My legs cramped from the kneeling position I had been in for God knows how long.

But that was the least of my worries now.

The scrap metal in my hand was heavier now than it had been when I picked it up before. It slips through my grasp and lands on the wet ground.

I begged him not to make me do it, I begged him.

Everything was numb, my hands, my feet, my whole body felt as though I had been paralyzed.

I was too afraid to move. Scared that I might wake Rory up and we'd have to do this all over again. But deep down I knew the truth. He wasn't going to wake up.

"What have I have done?"

What you had to do, my inner thoughts tell me.

Down here, you kill or you get killed. That's how this game works. There are no time outs. You can't pause this unfortunate reality. You fight or you die.

I feel a presence behind me. For a moment, I think it could be a grounder here to finish me off as well.

"Elara?" But the voice is too familiar to be a grounder.

I don't move, and I don't speak. A warm, gentle hand finds itself on my shoulder.

"Bellamy, we need you to get back to camp right away."

"On it," Bellamy responds into the walkie talkie. He crouched down next me. "Elara, we need to go,"

I don't move.

I killed someone, again. I killed my best friend. How could I do this?

"We can talk about this later, but we have to get moving," Bellamy says softly. "Come on,"

He helps me stand. My eyes stay fixated on Rory.

He betrayed us, he betrayed me.

I did what I had to do, right?


"What happened?"

I follow Bellamy into the drop ship as Octavia and Raven bandage up the boy Finn and Clarke were with.

"Myles says that the grounders took them. We don't know where and we don't know why," Raven says.

"They're going to kill them," Everyone's eyes land on me as I step forward. I suck in a breath before telling them all what Rory told me. "Rory tried to kill me out there today,"

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