Chapter 20: The Trouble With Guns

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The day was crisp and chill. The sun had been hidden behind the dark clouds that threatened to spill rain.

I run a hand through my tangled hair and look around. There was nothing but trees, bushes and grass. "Shouldn't there be a door or something?"

Bellamy glances at me. "Let's look around, see if we can find one." He walks down the small hill in front of us to begin his search. "Stay within shouting distance,"

I nod at his order and make my way in a different direction. Jaha said there was a supply depot here. Guess he was wrong.

I march down a small path, finding a stick laying on the ground. I pick it up and use it to look through some bushes. There was an odd metal wall behind it and I shout for Bellamy.

He jogs over to me and together we pull away the bushes.

Once in the clear, the metal wall revealed two handles. Bellamy tells me to stand back as his pulls on the handles of the door. It takes a couple tries until he finally yanks it open.

I pull out a couple flash lights from my pack and toss Bellamy one. "Ladies first," I say to him. He rolls his eyes and walks down the steps.

I skim my light along the walls of the depot. There were shovels that had containers of food covered in spiderwebs and hundred year old mold and dust.

"Looks like whoever stocked this place up didn't make it back before the bombs," I say observing the mildewing bunker.

Bellamy lets out a frustrated grunt as he looks through some boxes. "There's nothing here,"

I walk further into the depot, looking at the shelves carefully. An old picture catches my eye. I pick it up and dust it off a bit.

It was a post card. The lettering on it read 'Washington'. It was a picture of a tall standing monument that was surrounded by a beautiful man made pond. I smile lightly tracing my fingers over the picture.

"You know, I was expecting something down here. Anything! But there's nothing! No blankets, not even a decent freaking tent!" The anger in Bellamy's voice causes me to fold the postcard up and stuff it it in my pocket. I turn around to face him just as he kicks over an old barrel. It spills onto the floor and I walk over to Bellamy.

"Hey, it's fine. We've lasted this long. A little snow shouldn't stop us." I carefully place a hand on his shoulder as he crouches down.

"No way," he whispers.

I knit my eyebrows in confusion and try to look over his shoulder. "What?"

Bellamy looks back at me with a huge smile on his face. I shine my flashlight over to where he was looking and see him holding up what looked to be a large assault rifle.

I feel the corner of my lips tug upwards.


Bellamy clicks the trigger and nothing happens.

"I thought you said you could shoot,"

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