It is hot. A shower sounds nice.

After taking a shower, I find Drew sitting at the dinning room table, his lap top out, studying.

"Never thought I'd see the day you study..." I tell him, surprised.

"Haven't you heard of the secretly smart?" He questions and I roll my eyes. My brother is one of those people who doesn't have to study. He just gets everything and he passes with high grades. Me on the other hand, I have to study and study, until it sticks.

"No?" I counter and he rolls his eyes.

"Come on, lets go outside. I want to take more pictures..." I tell him and pull at his arm.


We walk out back and Drew's eyes widen.

"How rich is your uncle?" He questions and walks off further into the yard. I honestly don't know.

I start taking candid pictures of my brother. He wanders off further than the camera can pick up and I look through the peep whole, looking around.

I spot Sawyer by his window, looking down at me. I lower the camera and look back up. But he isn't there.

"Hey, heard it was your birthday. Happy belated." I hear Jospeh behind me. I turn around with a smile.

"Thank you." Jospeh has a soccer ball in his hand, and he's all sweaty. He looks cute, his hair in a wavy mess.

He smiles and raises an eyebrow, catching me checking him out.

"So what did you do? Where was my invite to your party?" He questions.

I laugh, "Probably got lost." I shrug, my eyes wandering back up to Sawyers window.

"Hey, I'm Drew." I feel Drew behind me. My smile drops. "Who are you?"

Jospeh looks at me confused then slaps on a smile,

"Hey, man. Joseph." He says, shaking my brothers hand.

"You play soccer?" My brother continues and I turn to look at him. I signal him to stop being a protective older brother but he ignores it.

"Uh, yeah." Jospeh drops the ball to the ground, doing a couple of foot tricks.

"Amateur..." My brother says and I knock my elbow into his stomach.

"What my brother means to say is, cool." I turn to glare at my brother.

"Nah, it's cool. They are lame moves. Whose your favorite team?" He asks my brother.

"Barcelona or liver pool.." My brother says.

"Nice, I myself prefer Manchester. Up for a little game?" He questions and he kicks the ball to my brother.

"Hey..." Avery rides in with a bike and almost crashes into me.

My brother kicks the ball up, and catches it with his head. I roll my eyes, he's only trying to impress Avery. If only he knew she tried to kill me.

"Who are you?" Avery asks my brother.

"Drew, her brother." He points to me. Avery's disappointment returns.

"Oh, there's two of you.." Avery's eyebrows raise and she looks at the ground. She starts to walk off. "My parents are working with your parents late tonight." Avery tells Jospeh and walks to their house.

"Ready for that game?" Jospeh says and Drew kicks the ball back to Jospeh. He runs to the field and I pull Drew back.

"Be nice, and stop trying to empress every girl you meet. It's annoying." I tell him and he smiles.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now