"I-I'm fine." Senra said as he gave them a small smile, he decided to not make them worry.

"Are you sure?" Sakata asked as he looked at the blonde worriedly.

"Y-Yeah, just saw y-you— your death. That's all." Senra lied as he sadly smiled at the redhead.

Sakata was still concerned for his friend but decided to believe the blonde's word. The redhead went back to talking with Urata while Senra stared at the back of Sakata's head.

"Didn't you say your ability was stable?" Shima whispered to the blonde, who nodded his head.

"I just sometimes unconsciously do it without meaning too..." Senra said as he sheepishly laughed.

Shima wasn't convinced but could tell that the blonde didn't want to talk about it. He decided to end the topic there and went back to enjoying the festival with the others. As they were walking, the guys noticed a large crowd up ahead.

"Wonder what's that big crowd for?" Amatsuki said as he tried to look over people.

They heard little chatter among the people in the crowd and found out that someone popular was at the fireworks festival. Sakata began to clench his head, making the green eyed brunette look at his worriedly.

"Are you okay Sakata?"

"I'm fine, just a small headache." The redhead muttered as he looked at the short brunette with a smile.

Urata then remembered that the redhead would get headaches from large crowds because of his ability. The short brunette saw the redhead's tattoo was red instead of pink, meaning Sakata was using his ability. He poked the redhead's neck, making Sakata jolt at the ticklish feeling.

"D-Don't do that so suddenly."

"Ww sorry~ but do you feel better now?"

Urata glanced again at the redhead's tattoo to see it go back to its original color. Sakata smiled as he hugged the green eyed brunette.

"Thanks Urata~"

"Oi! Get off me!"


The guys then began to continue walking but more people came to see whoever the famous person was. At some point, Urata managed to escape the crowd, only to see that the others were separated from him. Seriously.... Urata just groaned at how he was alone now before becoming concerned for the redhead. Hope he's okay and that his headache doesn't come up again.

The green eyed brunette decided to explore the area a bit more, maybe he'd find the others. He was walking around until he felt someone's shoulder bump into him. The short brunette stared at the person before the both of them groaned in annoyance.

"Out of everyone, you just happen to be the person I bump into." Urata said irritated.

"Same here." Sorato replied as he crossed his arms.

The two gave each other a glare before Urata decided to just leave the short raven-haired alone and find the others. He began to walk away and after a few steps he noticed Sorato was walking behind him, a big gap between them.

"Oi. Why are you following me? Shouldn't you look for the others?" Urata said in annoyance as the short raven-haired rolled his eyes.

"One, I'm not following you, I haven't gone this way so I want to see what's here. Two, the others are being lovey-dovey and no way am I third wheeling."

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