"That's a magnificent piece of jewelry you have there." Whit says and slides over the plate of French toast. My hand flys to my neck, it's smaller than my palm and I clench at it. "I remember your mother would wear that every day. Never took it off. Never." He says, his eyes are hazy, remembering the distant memory.

"I feel closer to her.." I smile and Whit looks away. It's quiet after that, a little awkward. I take a bit of my French toast and ignore everyone.

I zone out during breakfast, too hungry to pay attention to one of Whits bizarre stories. I'm just happy my parents are here.

I keep checking the time, Drew is supposed to be here any minute.

"Honey, it's your day. What do you want to do?" My mom questions and I look down at my empty plate.

What do I want to do?

"We can have a small barbecue, invite the neighbors. Have a small cake..." My mom trails off and I'm already shaking my head no.

"Can we just go for a nice dinner somewhere in a fancy restaurant?" I question.

"I mean, sure. Whit will you be joining us?" My mom asks.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." My uncle winks at me and I smile. I'm still upset with him.

"Alright it's settled. Fancy dinner."

"And ice cream.." I cut in.

"Now we're talking." My dad trails in.

"And ice cream." My mom agrees.

It's almost the end of the day and no sign of Drew and every time I ask my parents they brush it off with a 'he's just running late'

I take a shower, brush my teeth, and shave my legs. When I'm done I debate straightening hair or keeping it curly.

It's my birthday, what the hell. I blow dry my hair and straighten all of it. I feel cute and nothing can ruin this day. Not even Sawyer. I throw on a mustard yellow mini dress that has white florals on it and slap on my converse.

"Mom!" I shout from my room and a few minutes pass and I hear her walk through the door.

"Someone dressing up. Hope it isn't for that tattooed boy..." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Ew no. I might have a small crush on Jospeh." She eyes me and slowly nods.

"Which one is Jospeh?"

"Um, the brother to the tattooed boy."

"Hmm, don't remember him." She shrugs. "You're going to have to show me." And I nod.

"Why did you call me?"

"Mascara. Still haven't mastered how to put it on..." I sheepishly smile and hand her the make up I took from her bag.

"Oh, mascara. Should your dad be worried?" She laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Contrary to what you, Whit, and dad might think...I'm not here for boys. Yes I find one cute but that's it. I found guys cute at home all the time. You weren't worried." I tell her and she snorts.

"Sore topic, moving on." She says and she stands right in front of me as she curls my eye lashes and then slowly puts my mascara on.

"A little lip gloss to finish it off..." she tells me, handing me her favorite lip gloss and I gloss it on.

"I'm ready." I smile up at her and she nods.

"Okay.." her voice sounds forced and she rushes out of the room. She's going to cry again.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now