Chapter Ninety Two

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I woke up from a bad dream, only, that dream won't compare to what's happening in real life. It's been three days of being raped and trapped in these four walls. I'm getting weaker every minute that's passed. I couldn't think of anything but my own death. My cries has surpassed and I feel numb. All my hopes washed away while he repeatedly used me, hit me and torture me mentally.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead. I look around me but the devil is nowhere to be seen. I slowly get out of the bed, trying so hard not to let my knees wobble. I haven't eaten in two days, and I badly need just a piece of bread right now. For the past three days he wouldn't let me out of his sight, he fucks me and starve me afterwards.

I know his guards are just outside the door and I won't even stand a chance. But even if I do, I'd be dead anyways.
Harry keeps me prisoner here. I was lucky he gave me  new clothes to keep myself clean at all times. He said he wants me clean before and after he touch me.

On the first day of being held prisoner here, I cried my eyes out, begging and pleading as much as I can. But Harry don't care. He want to watch me slowly die inside like what happened to Katie, his wife before she finally took her life. He always tell me stories about her How they met and those times were they struggled to have a child but he wouldn't reproduce.

I thought that's probably the reason why she took comfort from another man. Who happened to be Sin, who's just as cold hearted as his husband. I remember what Sin said, that Katie wanted more.

She wants Sin to father her first child since her husband couldn't!

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of him. His words playing in my head over and over again, finding hope in them but I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to find me. Harry's right. It might be too late. I could be dead by the time he finds me. Or worse, he wouldn't be able to find me anymore. Harry might just dump my body in a river after he's done with me.

I grab a glass of water from the sink. With shaking hands I put the glass over my mouth and drink. I whinced when a sharp pain attacked me.I clenched My stomach as it hurts so bad from being empty for almost three days.

But I couldn't get myself to cry anymore. It's useless. I don't wanna shed another tear from the hopes of getting out of here. Harry will kill me first before Sin gets to me.

I lift my top to inspect the bruises turning blue because of his bites and punches all over my body. Harry is mad. Ever since his wife died his heart stopped beating. All he think about is his revenge to Sin. I wanted to scream at him and tell him he won't stand a chance if he came face to face with the Blood gang leader. That he is nothing but a coward hiding in this four walls, finding pleasure in raping and torturing a young woman.

Just when I was about to put down the glass on the sink, the door slams open and before I knew it the glass slip from my hands and hit the ground. The shattered glass was all over the floor, since it fell just a few inches sway from my feet,I see blood starts to come out from a cut. But I couldn't feel anything.I feel numb as I stare at my own blood.

"What the fuck!" Harry came rushing towards me. I flinched a little when his skin touched mine. Memories from last night came rushing in my mind.

Where he forced me to take some kind of drug. He said it's supposed to help you feel more aroused. But to his dismay, I didn't enjoy a bit of him fucking me. He got angry so he started to beat me until I fall limp on the ground. I couldn't do anything but stare at the cold wall.

"I'm sorry" I spat out, void of any emotion.

He stares at me for a while, then his hand lift up to inspect my bruises and cuts on my face. I couldn't look at him in the eyes. Not because of him. But because I'm afraid I'll see my own reflection from his eyes.

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