Chapter One

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Emmit Fenn - Painting Greys

I awoke drenched in my own sweat, a recurring nightmare that had haunted me since I was just 14. It all began on the day the Afana Gang set our small community ablaze, claiming my mother's life. My stepdad and I were fortunate enough to escape the inferno, but my mom wasn't as lucky.

Just hours later, the Afana leader chased down and shot my stepdad in front of our half-burnt apartment. My stepdad carried a significant secret, and when the Afana leader discovered it, my stepdad's refusal to comply led to his tragic end.

The survivors of the fire were rescued by the Blood Gang, who promised us food and shelter while we sought a new place to live. However, they later revealed that we were not allowed to leave and coerced us into working on a farm and performing various chores in Kronowa.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I reflected on how different my life would have been if not for my stepbrother, who had betrayed our family's trust by revealing our whereabouts to the Afana Gang. All for the promise of joining their ranks. He had risked our lives for his selfish ambitions.

I fervently hoped that karma would catch up with that treacherous soul.

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and headed to the shower. In the small, vintage mirror hanging on the bathroom wall, I saw a reflection that resembled my late mother. Long, wavy brown hair, blue eyes, slightly pale skin, plump pink lips, and a pointed nose.

After a quick shower, I dressed in my usual farmer attire and grabbed a basket of fruit. I hurried outside, where I heard commotion.

Outside our house was a hidden waterfall, a natural wonder that Kronowa held. What I cherished most about this place was its isolation from the city. Kronowa had gained its ominous name when the Devil had blackmailed and killed the previous landowner to claim it.

I finished drying my hair, left the towel on a chair, and entered my small bedroom. Though it felt like a prison cell, I was grateful for the beautiful view it offered.

There, on the grass, I witnessed two girls fighting fiercely. I recognized them immediately: Havana and Bianca, known as the troublemakers of Kronowa.

Suppressing a laugh, I watched as they wrestled, pulling each other's hair and clawing at each other with long, painted nails. Onlookers, including some boys who seemed to enjoy the spectacle, encouraged them to strip.


I hastened toward the commotion to get a better view. That's when I overheard their heated exchange.

"Hunter is mine, you slut!" Havana screamed while delivering a punch to Bianca's nose.


"You damned bitch! He'll never be yours! You were just a one-night stand!" Bianca retorted.

Hunter, the man they were fighting over, was the leader's second-in-command. In his late twenties, he had long hair, a beard, and tattoos like Sin. He was strikingly handsome but possessed the same ruthlessness as the Devil himself. Both had been trained as killers and had grown up without families.

"That's enough!" Hunter's voice rang out as he approached the two brawling girls. Clearly, he wasn't in the mood to deal with his 'women' right now.

"Babe, tell her I'm your main girl," Havana said dramatically, wrapping her arms around Hunter's waist.

"Get off me!" Hunter forcefully pushed Havana away and turned to one of their gang members who was laughing at the spectacle.

"You, take these girls to the cell and lock them up. Make sure they learn their lesson and stop acting like idiots," he commanded with clear irritation in his voice.

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