Chapter Sixty Six

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Fall at your feet - Boy and Bear

We've been walking for only an hour but it fees like forever. I hate to admit it but I've lost track and I'm   not really sure where we're headed. What makes it more hard is the person following behind me in silence.

"Are we lost?" He muttered in sarcasm.

"No we're not. I'm just uhm I think It's this way. Right" I almost stuttered. I wanna smack my head for obviously showing how nervous I am around him.

All I can see are these big tall trees we pass by endlessly. Plus I thought about the fact that I didn't even think of bringing a flashlight so I use my phone instead which by the way, is gonna ran out of battery soon.


"Do you have your phone with you?" I asked him in a not so nice way.

"No" He replied.

"Why?" I asked frustrated. Who does not bring their phones with them?

"Are you seriously asking me that? You decided to leave in the middle of the night and your stubborn ass won't even let me drive you back to your boyfriend, instead you wanted to take a trip to the woods. Do you think I have time to go back to my room and grab my phone?" He spat out annoyed.

"You could've just said you left it in your room" I fired back. I could hear him breathing harshly. Right, I just made him more upset.

"Just shut up and walk" He muttered but I stopped in my tracks once I hear a branch snap. I snap my head to Sin who's heard that too. My heart started to beat rapidly.

"Get down and be quiet" He whispered and motioned for me to get on the ground. He slowly grabbed the gun behind him and cock it.

"Sin, come back here" I mumbled when I saw him walk towards the bushes but he didn't listen.

I'm now shaking in fear once he's out of my sight. I'm afraid he won't come back for me. What if the killer finds him then kill him?My heart raced thinking about it. My mouth dry, I'm hungry and cold and my life's in danger while hiding in the middle of nowhere.

It's only been seconds but I wanted to scream his name to come back and hide with me because it's not safe. I can't take it anymore as I got up and decide to look for him.

I can't call out his name because I have to be quiet or else the killer would find me and attack me. It's dark and I can barely see my tracks.

I kept walking but I still can't see any sign of Sin. It's getting harder and more risky in this part of the woods. The light coming from the sky is enough for me to see that I'm walking near the edge of a cliff. I inhaled sharply before moving a few feet away from it.

I continue to look for Sin while trying my best to be brave during this situation. But I can't. I think about his safety. He didn't have to follow me here. Now he's in danger because of me.

My whole body is sweating in fear and worry. The thorns coming from the plants and flowers I pass by are bruising my legs real bad. I should've changed. I'm still wearing this stupid white dress which is a big mistake. Good thing I have my boots on to protect my feet from the sharp rocks.

I sat down for a moment because my knees and feet are hurting. I looked up at the sky. The last time I've seen the sky this beautiful was when Sin and I first made out in the woods.

I shook my head lightly. It was supposed to be special but he ruined it by saying I'm just gonna end up as one of his whores. Nothing more. A tear escaped my eye. I loved him so dearly but he didn't feel the same way for me. I know I'm being selfish and unfair to Cole because of Sin. No matter how hard I try and avoid thinking of him, I fail.

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