Chapter Sixty

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"Oh, this is too much, Cole" I stare at the diamond ring in front of me. It's a promise ring. He's just too sweet.

"Do you like it?" He asked, staring lovingly at my face.

"I love it babe. I'm just saying isn't this expensive--" I looked at him worriedly as he grabs my chin and made me look up to him.

"I want to give you something as beautiful and elegant as you" He squeezed my hands.

"Oh, Cole. You're too sweet. I don't deserve you" I leaned in to hug him tight.

I let go of Cole as I put the ring in my finger. I lift my hand up to stare at tye beautiful ring but I noticed a bunch of people inside the restaurant with us, thinking it's probably a proposal. Cole noticed it too and we both laughed. But not long before his face turned serious.

"I know I promised that I'll wait for you to return my feelings for you, Maya. I just want you to know I'm not putting pressure onto you. I just noticed you've been in deep thoughts lately and it's probably because of that" He squeezed my hands one more time. And I love that gesture from him. Cole relaxes me. I don't want to lie to him and tell him it's not about that but the truth is, it is.

I've been thinking what if Cole gets tired of me? I mean what if he decides one day that he can no longer wait and leave me? Just thinking about it sends deep sadness in my chest and I hate that feeling. 

I am starting to like him back more than just friends and I want him to know that. I may not love him like that yet but god knows how much I want to be with him. I feel secured and most especially, I feel loved from a man for the first time in my life. And I don't plan on messing it up.

"You don't have any idea how happy you make me these past few months Cole. I know it sounds unfair but I don't want you to leave me Cole. I need you to wait a little more and--" A frustrated sigh escaped my lips when Cole cut me off. He knows how this topic affects me so much.

"Shh babe. I know we'll get there. What's important is that I make you happy" He brushed my cheeks using his thumb before sitting up and giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. I remember the time when we shared our first kiss. I was nervous at first but Cole  took time to let me adjust.

There has been times when we both get too much intimate with each other. I wanted so bad to share the bed with him but Cole always refuse to do it with me. He says we'll do it when we're both truly ready. I know what he meant by that. He wants it to be special. I felt embarrassed but I understood him eventually. He's just being the gentleman that he is.

Everybody in his gang know about us. Cole is their leader and they respect him. But I know for a fact not everyone agrees with our relationship. Some thinks I'm just his whore,his past time,and I even heard someone said he's just gonna get tired of me soon and dump me. But those people don't know him and I feel bad for Cole.

"There you are again, babe. Tell me what's inside your head?" He asked a bit frustrated.

"Do I make you happy?" Instead I asked. I don't want to give him another problem by telling him what's truly in my mind this time.

"Are you seriously asking that, Storm? Of course! I have never been this way with another woman. Having you beside me brings light in my darkness. You make me feel like I could be a better person. I love you" He muttered and this was the first time he ever told me he loves me. I feel like crying, again. I'm such a cry baby.

"Oh babe, and you make me so happy too. You don't have any idea how much" I mumbled but something at the back of my mind is in doubt.

Does he, really? Make you happy?

Just a few seconds later our meal arrived, and boy my stomach grumbled by the smell of the food in front of us.

As soon as we finished, we decided to head back home and spend the rest of the day in our room and watch movies instead. Cole has no plans for today and I'm so happy I'd get to spend this special day with him. I just turned 19 today and I feel like I've come more mature since I left Kronowa. Cole treats me like a lady unlike that devil Sin. Who treats me like a stubborn child.

Here you are again, thinking about the Blood gang leader. I gulped and shut my eyes as we exit the restaurant.

The figure approaching us made me stop abruptly and squeeze Cole's hand to make him stop to.

"What babe?" He asked. Surprised with what I did.

He followed my eyes and saw who I'm looking at. It's not like I've seen a ghost but it's close to that.

"Hey, man what's up?" Carlos stopped in front of us and they both shake hands.

Carlos is a part of The Blood gang. I wonder what he's doing here. I hope he's not with.. him.

I gulped,feeling tensed while looking around the area hoping he won't show up because I don't know what I'm gonna do.

"Good, good. What are you doing here?" Cole asked him. I feel Carlos eyeing me but only for a second before he turned his gaze to our intertwined fingers.

"I dropped by your house but Mix told me you're here. I just want to speak with you, alone. This is important. Boss sent me here" Carlos told him and I almost swayed by hearing him say boss.

I wonder what this is about. Why would Carlos drive this far just to relay the message. This is not the 16th century. We have fax,phone,email. I'm starting to get annoyed and nervous at the same time. Why can't they just leave us alone.

"Okay. We're heading back anyways. Let's talk in my office" Cole ordered before ushering me in his car. As soon as we got inside I began to rant.

"I swear to God Cole if you get yourself involved with this again, I won't talk to you for a week" I gave him a smug and worried look. He chuckled. How dare he.

"You know our gangs are tied together right? If they want help, I give that to them. But I doubt their leader would be wanting help from anyone. So I'm just as curious and mad like you are baby. Let's just go home and get this over with" He kissed me then focused his eyes on the road.

I'm sweating like crazy. I've got a bad feeling about this.

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