Chapter Eighty

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I didn't have to turn around to see who it was. I shut my eyes for a bit once he snake his arm around my waist protectively.

"Everything okay?" Sin mutters behind me. I nod my head to say yes to hide how I instantly felt uncomfortable with the situation.

"Oh sorry, didn't know your dad's here too" The afro guy says and I swear to god I almost smacked his mouth for saying that. My eyes widen with what he just said.

Oh boy.

"Say that again?" Sin's voice sounds like he was taken aback by what the boy said. I grip his arm to stop him from taking another step toward the poor boy.

Is the age gap really that obvious?

"Oh..nothing, uhm your daughter's really pretty and I just thought I could get her number..uhm if that's okay sir"? He stummers nervously while forcing a smile at my direction.

You idiot!

I feel bad because he don't know what's obviously happening and anytime he might get punched by Sin. I try harder holding Sin back, but to my surprise he didn't even budge from his position this time. He just looks at me and the afro guy before an evil grin formed his lips.

"Yeah sure" Sin mutters, looking handsome with his perfect set of white teeth showing.

What the hell?

"Oh really? Gee, thanks sir" The afro man cheered happily before taking out his phone from his back pocket.

"We're leav--" I try to speak and tell him that we'll just leave before this ends no good but that bastard Sin pulled me back and grip my arm roughly to warn me.

"What's your name, kid?" Sin asks again, putting his arms on the counter while I stood nervously behind him, playing with my fingers.

"J-jimmy" The boy said, I could sense he's uncomfortable with how close Sin is to him now.

"You know what Jimmy, let's make a deal" Sin sneers, his jaw tightening and I just want to run back to the car but if I do that, I'm fucked.

"Y-yeah?" Jimmy mumbles nervously.

"I'll give you my daughter's number if you think you can make her cum faster than I could" Sin mutters angrily, taunting the poor boy to say another word. While I, stunned with what he just said. He's clearly fucking with Jimmy's head.

"I'm s-sorry sir but I think I don't understand what you just said" Jimmy gulped, looking at me but Sin blocks my way.

"Oh yeah my bad. I'll just explain it to you plain and simple. I want you to watch me fuck my daughter in the bathroom and make her cum in seconds. If you think you can beat my score then I'll give you her number. Clear?" Sin spats out.

I literally froze in my spot with my jaw hang open and eyes wide as an owl, looking at both of them. Then my eyes landed to Jimmy. Oh poor boy, his face red as a tomato right now.

"Jimmy, he's not my dad" I finally spoke and it took him a while before he realizes. His face is now pale as a white paper. He didn't say anything. He just looks at both of us strangely like he cannot believe what just happened.

"Let's get the fuck outta here" Sin grabs the paper bag and the whiskey without paying for it before giving me a warning look to get back in the car. I mumbled sorry to Jimmy before following Sin.

Once we're inside, my anger explodes.

"You fucking asshole" My chest panting heavily. Not letting go of my gaze at him.

"I was only gone for seconds then the next thing I find you flirting with that loser. Unbelievable" He gives me a distaste look and starts the engine again. I looked at his members waiting for his signal.

"I'm not flirting with him! He just wanted to get my number. I was gonna say no until you decided to mess with him" I don't know why I'm explaining it with this jerk.

"What now, you gonna fuck him too?" Sin said and it's too late for him to take it back as I got out of the car and run towards one of his boys truck. I don't wanna spend the rest of the ride with an asshole like him.

Carlos opened the backseat for me and I rushed inside before locking the door. I saw Sin got out of his car, pissed as fuck.

As soon as he arrived at my door, he tried to open it but he can't since it's locked. So he just banged his fist on the window like a mad man.

"Carlos! Fucking open this!" He shouts from outside.

"Shit,man. Just open the door. The leader's gonna fuck us up" His other member said nervously.

"He's not gonna do anything" Carlos lets out a laugh. He seems to be enjoying this and I find it amusing. I,too can't help but smile while looking at the crazy bastard outside.

"You fucking assholes! Open or I'll kill you motherfuckers!" Sin looks really pissed off now and I signaled Carlos to just open the door.

"Your man needs to chill. He's too overprotective towards you" Carlos comments before clicking the door open. Once it did, Sin open the door to my side.

"You touch me, I'll bite your ear off" I taunted at him but he acts like he didn't even hear what I just said as he pulls me harshly back to his car.

"You're mine!" He yells at me once we're inside the car.

"Now you're saying that cause you thought I was gonna fuck your boys too?" I fired back. I'm so fucking mad at him, I could kill him right now.

"Are you?" He asks. Something in his tone felt like he's afraid. Like he's not even sure what I was gonna say. His jaw clenched, looking at me intensely. I could see his eyes turning pink. A sign that he's just too tired to even argue now. I paused, looking straight to his eyes. His breathing is heavy.

"Oh baby. Come here" I reached for him and chose to calm him down. I didn't realize He's also been through a lot lately and I know for a fact that's the reason why he's acting up with me. I could feel how hard he's trying to talk to me and comfort me but I was the one pushing him off even back at the hotel. I know I'm not prefect too, I hurt him and he does it to me too. But I guess if there has to be at least one of us to back down in this ugly fight, that's me.

"I just..I love you so much" He mumbles under his breath, squeezing me tightly against his body.

"You don't know how I'm so in love with you too. Sin, I'm yours. And yours only. Remember that, okay?" I kissed him on his cheek and carress his face with my palm to cool him down. He didn't respond and just continue to hold me.

"I've been wanting to ask you something" Sin says, pushing my body lightly so he could look at me.

"Okay?" I say.

"I want you to bear me a child, again"

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