Chapter Twelve

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No turning back - Koda

I tried to open my eyes, my head feeling light, only to find a pair of deep blue eyes staring intensely into mine. My surroundings were unfamiliar; I was no longer in my apartment.

I sat up, my jaw dropping as I realized where I was. I was back in one of the rooms in the Mansion, the place where they had previously held me captive.

Memories of the previous night flooded back. The party, the house, Axel... I began to open my mouth to speak, but Sin was seated in a chair in the corner, his gaze locked on me.

"A-Axel," I muttered, struggling to steady my head as dizziness washed over me.

"The bastard's dead," Sin uttered, his eyes devoid of any remorse.

I clamped my mouth shut at the news, my hands trembling as I recalled what Axel had done to me. I should have stayed in my apartment; my life was already in danger. But I had chosen to attend that party, almost falling victim to a sexual assault. I had brought this trouble upon myself.

"How did you find me last night?" I managed to speak.

"I had you followed because I know how recklessly impulsive you are," Sin snapped. "You're driving yourself to an early grave, you know?"

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered, looking away. I felt guilty for defying him once again, especially when he was trying to protect me from such danger.

He remained silent, but I could see his frustration mounting.

"He... He tried to rape me," I eventually confessed, still avoiding his gaze. I felt exhausted and hurt, and Sin's clenched fists indicated his anger.

"Carlos called me when he saw you both entering the room," Sin explained. "He told me you were swaying and drunk. You're so damn foolish and naive."

"I heard someone scream before I passed out," I mentioned.

"It was that bastard's girlfriend," Sin replied coldly. "She came looking for him but saw what happened and we can't afford a witness so what's done is done."

I closed my eyes as a headache began to throb in my temples. I refrained from speaking further, not wanting to further incite his anger. Sin was right; I was reckless and had failed to consider the consequences, causing trouble for others.

"I have to go back... to work, school..." I attempted to reason, but he cut me off, his voice seething with anger and frustration at my actions and decisions.

"Hell no!" he growled, rising from his seat.

"But—" I began, only to be cut off once more.

"Why can't you just listen to me?" Sin spat, gripping my wrist.

Before I could respond, the door swung open, and Hunter entered. I yanked my wrist free from Sin's grip, and it had been a while since I had last seen Hunter, but he looked just as I remembered: a rugged, handsome biker with a thick beard and long hair.

He stared at me for what felt like an eternity, his breathing heavy as he struggled to control himself. But Sin's throat clearing finally snapped him out of it.

"I just got off the phone with Caldwell," Hunter began, and I sensed something was amiss by the expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Sin asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I think Caldwell is lying," Hunter declared.

"He better not be, or I'll kill him myself," Sin's voice grew angrier.

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