Chapter Forty Five

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**Strong Sexual Content**

All I could say is this night was fun. I learned a lot of things about Hunter and I know for a fact before this night ends, he's not really that bad and evil at all. Just like Sin, they both have a soft spot in their hearts. These men might look bad from the outside but definitely not the inside.

As soon as we left the restaurant, I shivered when the cold air hit my skin. Hunter removed his jacket and put it on my shoulder.

"Thank you" I muttered while waiting for his car.

"There's just one last place I wanted to show you before we head back to Kronowa" He said waiting for my answer.

"I can't wait to see it" I replied that made him pull me closer and kiss the top of my head. I blushed 'cause didn't know he could be this sweet.

As soon as we hit the road I can't help but think about Sin and Anastasia. Especially when she told me that they fucked and he's gonna marry her. It's finally sinking in to me that probably we're not really meant for each other. That is was all just a game to him 'cause he's bored.

I sighed deeply and heard Hunter mutter that we arrived at the place. I gasped when I heard waves crashing.

"What?! Oh my god! I've never been to a beach!" I squealed.

The moon is enough for me to see how beautiful the place is. I quickly removed my heels and didn't wait for Hunter to open the door as I run towards the beach.

"Hey, be careful! Stay out of the water" He yelled mixed with worry and amusement.

"This is beautiful!!!" I screamed twirling around the sand just smelling the breeze and enjoying the sound of the waves hitting the shore.

"Come, I wanna show you something" He muttered behind me before pulling my hand as I follow him.

A few seconds later I saw a small beautiful cabin hidden behind a big rock that we need to get pass the shore first to see it. If it was daylight no one can see it too without climbing over the rock or pass the shore.

"Whose house is this?" I asked once we arrived.

"Mine. I come here when I want to get far away from the city and our land" He answered and I shook my head. Hunter comes here when he wants to avoid stress and problems.

"It's beautiful Hunter" I whispered while looking at the cabin. But I could feel his eyes on me.

There's a small patio with a wooden set of swing and a round table. I sat on the swing while his eyes are still on me. Then I heard him sigh deeply. Like he wanted to say something but choses not to.

"I'm just gonna grab a beer inside. You want to come?" He asked asking me if I wanna see inside but I shook my head. I wanted to enjoy the view in front of me first. But I quickly snap my head up and speak.

"Can I have one too?" I asked and he laughed.

"Can you show me your id?" He joked and I bit my lip from bursting out of laughter.

Not a minute later we both sat next to each other, laughing, and just enjoying the conversation. Despite of his smiles, I know something's bothering Hunter and I know for a fact that it's me. I cleared my throat and decided to go to the bathroom. I suddenly feel so hot down there with Hunter being so sweet and close to me earlier. I can't help but be amazed by his personality and sense of humor.

As I got inside my jaw drop. The place is beautiful especially the small fireplace in the living room and the rustic wooden materials. I stood there for like five minutes before deciding to head towards the bathroom. I quickly washed my face with the cold water and stared my self at the mirror. My cheeks are turning pink because of the alcohol. And my heart is filled with emotions right now to even think of fixing myself. I wasn't aware that it already took me half an hour inside and as I open the door I saw Hunter leaning on it, holding his bottle of beer.

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