Chapter Fifty Six

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"Do you really wanna do this?I mean I'm definitely fine with it but--" Cole asked me once again as we get inside his truck.

"But what about Sin?" I finished off his sentence and let out a huff.

"I know he's an asshole but what about your family and friends back home?" Cole asked and I sighed.

We've already talked about this last night after the party but Cole makes sure that I'm not gonna change my mind during this last minute.

"They're dead Cole. And besides I think I can no longer last a day in Kronowa anyways. My life has been in danger ever since I returned there" I answered as I put on my seatbelt. I didn't have to look at Cole to see pity from his eyes again.

I looked at myself at the rear view mirror and all I could see is a broken girl. That's all that I'll ever be. This is Sin's fault. My Life would've been more peaceful if I didn't cross path with him.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I just hope that you're not making any rushed decision right now" He replied, squeezing my hand before putting his own seatbelt on and start up the car.

"Another thing, did you see my cousin's face last night?" He laughed while he maneuvers from the parking lot.

"She looked like she's just seen a ghost" I muttered shaking my head lightly.

"Right" Cole mocked.

"Uhm Cole?" I called out.

"Hmm?" He hummed as we find our way to the exit.

"I'm just wondering.. about what you said last night. And uhm, do you really think Anastasia's lying about Sin being the father of her child?" I asked bravely. I had to get this out from my mind before I finally leave everything.

Cole looked at me for a brief moment, contemplating whether or not he wants to talk about this subject again. Finally he spoke.

"I've known Anastasia since we were teens. Let's just say that she wants everyone's attention on her most of the time and I never really liked her from the beginning probably because of that. By the time her mom lost her job, and her dad died which is my Uncle, they asked a favor from my parents to live with us until she finds a decent job. And that's when shit started happening." Cole gave out a deep breath. Reminscing his past must be hard for him but I'm determined to really know what happened to them and what led her to say Sin is her unborn child's father.

"W-what shit?" I stuttered. I know it's a bit uncomfortable to talk about it but Cole seemed fine with it cause he should be yelling at me right now to even ask something so personal.

"Well, me fucking her mom first" Cole blurted out.

"You what?!" I can't help the surprise that came out from my lips.

"Yeah. Her mom's a cocaine addict and when she lost her job, she started to ask money from us but my parents knows what she really does with it and they didn't tolerate her. So instead she came after me. She said she'd do anything to pay me back and then that's when she started coming to my room and suck me" Cole explained in a serious tone once we got out of the parking lot.


I looked at the side mirror, hoping for the last time I'd see him there, wanting me to stay, yelling at me, but no one's there. Sin probably has finally realized letting me go with Cole is for the best right now so he could spend more time with Anastasia, and not have her girlfriend stressed out because of me.

I sighed and looked towards the road. Then I glanced at Cole to see him gripping the steering wheel tightly. It must have been hard for him to explain to me about how everything started.

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